A Beautiful Beginning

February 1, 2012

Last night kicked off the beginning of another semester of Beautiful women's small groups at Grace Family Church. With more than 300 women in attendance, it was a chance for ladies to fellowship and find out more about the groups available this spring. For many attendees, it was their first time to experience a Beautiful event.

Beautiful spring kick-off

After enjoying some food in the lobby, the ladies gathered in the sanctuary for worship. Kristin Bonham, director of women's ministry, welcomed everyone and explained how the evening would work.

Beautiful worship

Ladies were given an opportunity to visit different areas in the building where they could meet small group leaders and learn more about their groups. Whether they were looking for an on-campus or off campus group, a specific study, care and support, or a special interest group, nearly all 80 women's small groups were represented at the event.

Worshipping together

It was a wonderful way to kick off a new semester and many women left feeling energized and excited about the small group they selected.

Beautiful ladies mingle in the lobby

If you couldn't make it to the kick off, it's not too late to get in a Beautiful small group! One of the easiest ways to get involved is through Beautiful Monday Nights. This weekly bible study begins on Feb. 6 and meets each Monday from 7-8:30 p.m. in the GFC sanctuary. It features worship, live teaching and breakout tables for small group discussion. This semester's study is Romans. For more information, contact peavenson@gfconline.com.

If you prefer a daytime small group, Beautiful Tuesday Mornings may be what you're looking for. This group meets each Tuesday beginning Jan. 31, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the GFC gym. After group fellowship and worship, attendees break into separate bible or book study groups. For more information, contact mhinders@gfconline.com.

All other Beautiful small groups and care groups can be found by searching under the category "women" in the GFC Small Group directory.

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