A Beautiful Recap

February 11, 2022

Alexis Patterson, GFC Lutz 

1600 women gather with the anticipation of something more, something greater than they could ever imagine. You could feel the expectation in the building. We came to enter into the presence of the Holy Spirit yearning for change, for a shift, to be awakened, to be restored. Our hearts needed to be filled and refueled with promise so we gather with the hope that we receive the “much more” of God titled in this year’s Beautiful Conference. I’m here to bear witness that God did not disappoint. We praised, worshiped, laughed, cried and we leaned into the very presence of the Lord. There was such an amazing outpouring of God.

I had the privilege of sharing this experience with my mother and sister for their first time. I knew from previous conferences they were going to have their worlds rocked! But this year stepped it up a few more notches. Going into the conference, we each had expectancy in our hearts. We craved for God to meet us there in His very divine way. It was more than we could have ever asked for and God did what only God can do; show up and show out! This brought me to a place of reflection as I looked around the room and introspectively considered my own life and current circumstances; How can I consistently get “more of God” beyond Beautiful Conference? I need to have this experience throughout life, not just this weekend. Of course when you ask God, He delivers. As I reflected, He showed me how to continuously get more of Him.

With open arms raised and praise all around the room, we reached out for more. Believing is half the battle. We have to commit to knowing that Christ’s power dwells within each of us as believers. I carry around God’s much more in me everyday. It’s not just something I read about or desire. In Ephesians chapter 3, Paul prayed for the Ephesians and at verse 16 Paul writes “I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being.” Paul knew of Christ’s power and the access we have to it. We are made new through Christ’s power, we are freed through Christ’s power, we are able to love freely, forgive and so much more.

I press into my faith. My faith is accepting the fullness of God. God is bigger than what I can comprehend all in one thought but in His presence I am full. There are so many glorious aspects of God and though all of His glory may be too big for me to handle, He gives us the ability to know His might. When I think of fullness, I think of His character, abilities, knowledge, strength, power, and love. Ephesians 3:18-19 reads “we may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”

Finally, as I take this all in, Christ’s power to dwell in me, faith in the fullness of God, I know more than I ever have before that “more of God” is not an abstract concept but a tangible reality. I can possess more of God everyday in every way of my life. Because of Jesus, I can take the same expectancy I had for Beautiful Conference 2022 into my everyday life. There is more for my marriages, my family, my health, my finances, my dreams, my future, my whole life because there is more of God in me. At last, our key verse from conference Ephesians 3:20 “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.” I don’t know about you, but I get excited just reading this verse. This is my reality and yours too!

“More” by definition is a greater or additional amount of something. God is a God who adds and multiplies to supply for His children. That is exactly what God wants to do in your life and mine. He gives us the desire for more of Him because we need it. Our lives lack luster without it. We get to bask in the glory of more!

If you haven’t been to a Beautiful Conference, I invite you to next year; you must join us, I promise you’ll leave full because God never disappoints. But as we wait and anticipate another conference, don’t wait for more of God; you can get that right now today. I pray that you believe like never before that Christ’s power dwells in you, the fullness of God is upon you, and that living in the more of God is a real.

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