A Sand Crane Kind of Love

February 14, 2012

A Beautiful Blog continues our "Love & Money" series with a wonderful Valentine's Day story about companionship and relationship with God.

by Renee Scott

Renee ScottAlmost daily in my subdivision, you will see beautiful sand cranes walking around in pairs.  They immediately get your attention because of their long legs (over 4 feet tall) and impressive wing span. 

You can learn so much from the sand crane regarding companionship/relationship and marriage.  The sand cranes are believed to mate for life.  Mated cranes have a “unison call” that is a synchronized duet used to reinforce the bond between the female and male birds.  They stand close together while eating, flying, and sleeping.  Both parents help to rear their young until the next breeding season.

Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to highlight the lifestyle of the sand crane. On a day when we celebrate love and affection, there is much to be gained from studying these birds in their natural habitat.  Even in the animal kingdom, God illustrates the power of companionship.

Genesis 2:18 (MSG) shares, “God said, "It's not good for the Man to be alone; I'll make him a helper, a companion."  Before Adam was ever given a name, he was provided a help meet. 

I was inspired the other day by a single sand crane walking in my backyard.  It didn’t have a mate.  I wondered what happened.  What was the story behind this solitary existence?  I will never know, but, there was a beautiful lesson in it.  Even though the crane was alone, it continued to move forward.  It hunted for food and walked tall with a boldness not found in most of the bird species.  This particular bird didn’t allow the tragedy of losing a partner or maybe never having one, stop its progress.

God desires to be in relationship with his creation. He is the ultimate companion.  Exodus 29:46 reminds us that God freed His people so that He could dwell amongst them.  He sent His son and named him Emmanuel (God with us) as a gentle reminder of Christ’s purpose and desire. 

Whether married, single, widowed, or searching for your mate, God yearns to be in relationship with you.  He is concerned about the details of your life.  He desires an intimate relationship with you.  He wants to be the lover of your soul.  Never allow your history or current circumstances separate you from Christ.  His love is unconditional.  There is no greater love.

Renee Scott is co-founder of the popular blog, Double Portion Inspiration, where she shares encouragement and inspiration to men and women all over the world.  She’s been a member of Grace Family Church for four years. She loves to run and recently completed her first half marathon. She is a wife of over 14 years and mother of two.


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