A Wonderful Surprise

August 29, 2014

By Julie Jaunese

Wow.  I really hadn’t planned to go to the Expo on Monday night.  I have had an 8 week commitment to be part of a group over the summer – and it is fantastic.  I really didn’t want to miss the group.  When I got home Monday evening I got a message via Facebook that the group was cancelled for that evening.  I lead two group for Ladies over 50 years old, one is a book group called Yada Yada, which means to be known intimately, and one called Fabulous Fems.  The Fabulous Fems meets the first Saturday each month.

I like to plan way ahead and hadn’t planned to be able to go on Monday so it was rushing at the last minute to put something together.  I quickly made small cards with my name, phone number and e-mail address on it.

I got to the lobby and was surprised that the leaders were wearing gorgeous flowers.  Mine was so pretty.  Then we had fabulous French macaroons.  My daughters love to make a batch whenever they are both home so I knew this would be a treat. The sanctuary doors opened and I went in to find where my table would be then to get my seat.  Who knew what God had planned for me in my seat.




A wonderful lady sat down next to me.  We hadn’t met before.  Soon we got up to welcome new people to our groups and she went her way and I went my way.  When we were called back to our seats she again sat next to me.  We began to talk.  She hadn’t read the blog so I pulled up the Beautiful Blog and had her sign up right then and there so she will get them in her e-mail.  After that I gave her one of my cards and said I would love to see her again.  Turns out she is retired.  Do you think that would be enough?  God had so much more.

I asked her what her profession had been.  She worked in a prison in Michigan.  I told her I was born and raised in Michigan and my husband had worked in a prison in Florida.  I asked her which city she was from and she responded MUSKEGON.  That is my hometown.  Her name is Marilyn and she worked at Muskegon Correctional.  We talked about where we lived in town, what High School we graduated from and the year we graduated.  This was such a gift and brought me home full of smiles.

We never know what God has planned for us and when He plans to surprise us with the best of the best. The Beautiful Expo was so wonderful.  I can’t wait to talk to Marilyn again and I would have easily missed this blessing if I hadn’t been willing to change my plans.

What kinds of things do you talk yourself out of doing?  Did you get connected to a group?  You will find new and old friends when you get connected.  Come on – it is all up to you.

Julie Jaunese


Julie Jaunese has been married to her husband Michael for 42 years. She has two daughters and three grandchildren. She works at Moffitt Cancer Center and hosts two women’s small groups, the Yada Book Club and the Fabulous Fems. Mike and Julie have been part of Grace Family Church since it began with 40 people in a house. 

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