My Pursuit

September 3, 2016

By Amy Hafner  Walking in to my first Freedom Group in the spring of 2014 was slightly intimidating. I was a very new Christian, not yet...


August 26, 2016

By Xio RiveraEarly this summer I was feeling defeated, exhausted and vulnerable. I was feeling spiritually unarmed. The enemy managed to wrap me up in...


August 19, 2016

By Misty Umholtz I recently read Jen Hatmaker's book Interrupted: When God wrecks your comfortable Christianity. I have to confess, I was interrupted. This book fascinated...

Lifting Waits

August 12, 2016

By Ashley Kuczynski  Anyone who knows me, even if merely as an acquaintance, knows that I can be obnoxiously health conscious. I eat clean most days,...


August 5, 2016

By Robin Walls I heard something recently that I haven't been able to get out of my mind. At church, we were in the middle of...

Grace Upon Grace

July 29, 2016

By Kesha Webb  Once upon a time long before I met my husband I dated a guy who was quite wealthy. He started the relationship lavishing...

I Needed to Let Go

July 15, 2016

By Sue Nichols Two years ago, God brought to my attention that I was living my life too busy. The thought of tackling this issue was...

Old Lists

July 8, 2016

By Nancy Strackany Have you ever picked up an old pad of paper only to discover some random to-do list from years ago? I have to...

Twenty-five and Counting

July 1, 2016

By Dawn SmilingHave you noticed that many times God uses the things that we are facing in the natural realm to show us a spiritual...