
October 9, 2020

By Pam Otto, GFC Van Dyke

Earlier this year, my daughter encouraged me to choose a word that would be used as an inspiration or encouragement for 2020. She thought it would be fun to each have our own words and then paint them on a canvas as a daily reminder. After contemplating a bit, the word I chose was Attentive, which means: to pay close attention to someone or something; to be observant, perceptive, noticing, aware.

I loved it! I knew I certainly could improve on being more attentive with listening to God, my friends and family. I started the year out by being more mindful of others, having a focus on being fully present in conversations and noticing the little things…But, it wasn’t long before my ‘attentiveness’ got lost in the shuffle of busyness, schedules, distractions, and then a global pandemic.


The shift of my attentiveness slipped into the background as I tried to maneuver all the changes that came from Covid-19. But then came God’s gentle reminder…I love that God sees us and knows just what we need from Him, in each and every season we are in. God led me to Proverbs 8:34-35, “Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord.”

God quietly reminded me to refocus my attention to Him, to listen to Him, to watch Him and wait for Him. When we place our attention on God rather than the endless distractions that can fill up our minds, we are changed; we are blessed. He says that those who find Him find life and receive favor from Him. What an awesome exchange - we lay down our distractions, give Him our attention and He gives us His presence, blessing and favor! What a win!

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