Be Satisfied

August 26, 2022

Kyndel Kelly, GFC Carrollwood

I truly believe finding satisfaction in the Lord is a lifelong pursuit. Different seasons of life bring different jobs, responsibilities, family dynamics, and the list goes on. It can be hard when you feel like you're following God, doing all the right things, but still feel unsatisfied in the day-to-day.

After getting married, finishing school, getting my dream job, and living the life I dreamt up, I felt sad. Empty. My journey to uncover these unexpected feelings led me on a path I'm still on. A journey to truly be satisfied in the Lord.

When my life was moving along, productive, and I felt successful ... I was satisfied. But, when I felt it stand still, the future unknown, in tension, or even during a time when I was waiting on God, I felt unsatisfied. I felt worthless. Like I had failed in a way.

I had a fresh revelation during that time. You see, I was trying to satisfy my soul with everything but the Lord. All the things I accomplished and all the blessings were great, but the high I felt was only temporary.

Maybe you've done the same thing.

In John 4:14 Jesus says, "but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up into eternal life."

This visual is so beautiful to me. I imagine the Holy Spirit creating a home in me so deep that it is like a well. I have access to it 24/7. This well will never run dry. Not only can it quench my thirst for more in life, but it actually gives me eternal life. Eternal life with my Father in heaven.

Satisfaction in Jesus isn't found when we check off all the boxes and do all the "right" Christian things. Satisfaction in Him comes when we know Him. When we spend time in His presence. When we obey His commands and find that His ways really are higher and better.

It's found when we eliminate distractions and behold Him. Behold His creation. Treasure His people. Serve the way He calls us to serve. Fall in love with His word.

While I know there is no special formula to being satisfied in the Lord, I do want to share a few practical things that have helped me grow in this area.

1. Take a chance on God: Test Him and watch your faith grow as He shows up in unimaginable ways.

2. Sit in the tension: When you don't know what's next, don't force something to happen. Allow God to lead you and don't move until He tells you to.

3. Eliminate distraction: Put down the phone for some time. Enough said.

4. Worship and give thanks no matter the circumstance: When we fix our eyes on His goodness and seek Him everyday, we WILL find Him. Praise changes our perspective.

5. Stop comparing: When we look to the left and right, we miss what God is doing in us, through us, and for us. Let's all run our OWN race and cheer each other on in the process.

My prayer is that as women of God, we would rise and pursue the living water. As we find that nothing can satisfy our souls like Jesus, we are strengthened when the wind blows and the ground shakes beneath us. We remember that He is eternal and this life is temporary. At the same time, we know that what we do in this life is not insignificant. So we run towards Jesus until we, one day, run into His arms and are made whole; being satisfied forever.

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