Beautiful Girls Night Out

June 1, 2012

On Monday, May 14 over 800 women gathered at Grace Family Church for a Beautiful Girls Night Out. Women came from all over Tampa Bay to celebrate and connect, and enjoy a delicious dessert reception.

Beautiful Girls Night Out

Beautiful Girls Night Out

The highlight of the evening was a dynamic talk from Debbie Altman, wife of Senior Pastor Craig Altman.  Throughout her talk, entitled “No Comparison,” Debbie passionately shared how insecurity robs women of confidence, damages relationships and causes us to make foolish decisions. She challenged the attendees to recognize the lies of insecurity and begin to allow God to heal us of past hurts as we focus on being the women He’s called us to be. The message touched many hearts that night.

Click on the player below to watch Debbie’s message, “No Comparison.”

[jwplayer config="Standard Player" mediaid="857" image=""]

If you are looking to connect with other women at Grace Family Church, consider joining one of our Beautiful Summer Groups. These weekly bible studies will run 6-7 weeks, starting in June. There are several studies to choose from. For more information, click here or email

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