Beautiful Testimonies

October 30, 2012

All month we’ve featured articles by the different speakers from this year’s A Beautiful Weekend. While dynamic speakers are part of the retreat experience, one of our favorite parts is the testimonies we receive from attendees. Many women walk away from their Beautiful Weekend changed, healed and set free from hurts in their past.

To wrap up our month, we wanted to share a few of the testimonies we received from this year’s weekend. In Rev. 12:11 it says, “They overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.” God loves it when we share what He’s done for us. Testimonies are a powerful reminder of God’s work in our lives. Testimonies bring hope to others who are struggling. Testimonies are proof that God answers prayers. As you read through these testimonies, may they give you strength and encouragement.

“This weekend God pounded into my head that I am loved and valuable BECAUSE of the things I have endured and I am called to use those things to minister to other women.”

“I came here with no hope, extremely guilty, very sad, empty with no direction. But God spoke to me and filled me with hope. I have a fear of being alone and going on in life with my three kids by myself. But God spoke to me and assured me that He was not leaving me alone.”

“I came to make friends. God has done that, exceedingly, abundantly, more than I expected. I prayed He would put me with the right roommates. They were awesome! We bonded immediately and got along very well. I met some ladies my age. God blessed me in a major way.”

“I did not want to attend the retreat, but my good friend encouraged me. After losing my mother two weeks ago, I was emotionally ready for a change. Spiritually the Lord was wooing me to find His peace. I found it! Thanks be to the Lord Jesus for wonderful, amazing roommates and bringing me greater peace and joy.”

“This weekend has taught me to be part of Godly beautiful women and to be able to share my life’s struggles with them.”

“I was really questioning coming, but I am just so happy that I did. I’ve bonded with some beautiful women and was able to share my testimony. So much healing has started here, relating to sexual abuse from my past, and I can’t even express in words my experience. This whole event is just truly a beautiful work of God.”

“This has been one of the most awesome experiences of my life.”

“This Beautiful Weekend has transformed me. I now realize the purpose of knowing my “ugly” before I can authentically accept my God-given Beautiful! Thank you!”

Has God done something beautiful in your life that you’d like others to know about? We’d love to hear from you! Send us an email at and tell us your story.

Also, on Monday, Dec. 3, at 7 p.m., we will have a Beautiful Christmas Celebration. This event is open to all women of Grace Family Church. Join us for an evening of food, fellowship, worship and testimonies as we celebrate the Christmas season together.


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