Because He

June 17, 2022

Lisa Santelli, GFC Lutz


It’s a word that carries distinction. Beauty. Set apart. A word I’ve reserved only for God, but lately, I've seen so many wearing it proudly on their shirts or engraved in jewelry. How can that be? If God IS worthy, how can this word be used to describe others, as well? That’s the question I’ve been wrestling with lately.Per Webster’s 1828 dictionary, worthy is defined as: to be exalted; deserving; having worth or excellence. All characteristics of God. There is no other to be exalted or lifted up than the one and only true God. Again, I ask, how can I use a word like worthy to describe myself?On a recent trip, I came across a hat with the word “worthy” on it.  Already in the worthy-wrestle, I walked right by thinking, “I can’t wear that!” But the Holy Spirit had a different tone and nudged me to buy the hat. For the first part of the trip, the hat stayed packaged up neatly, tags attached, you know, just in case I decided to return it. Then, towards the end of the trip, I woke up to some tough news. News that I would have to shake off for the time being and I knew it would take every effort of relying on God to carry me through those next few days.  So, that morning, I grabbed the hat, tore off the tags, and tugged it on my head. In that moment of feeling such defeat, God crowned me with grace-laced strength, and a new definition of worthy formed. Colossians 1:10 says, So that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him; bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, so that you may have greater endurance and patience, joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has enabled you to share in the saints inheritances in the light.When we are walking with the Lord, we are in step with Him. Our worthiness comes through the righteousness of God. Through our repentance and acceptance that Jesus is Lord and Savior of the world, we are made worthy. It doesn’t demand perfection. It doesn’t hold on to `past mistakes. It doesn’t measure how many good works we perform. We are made worthy through our heart’s surrender. We are worthy:- To be loved. (Psalm 36:7)- To be valued. (Proverbs 3:15)- To be protected. (Psalm 91:4)- To be provided. (Matthew 6:26)- To be redeemed. (John 8:36)Beloved friend, you are worthy. No matter what hardship you are facing, any lie you have been told, or mistake you made. Through Jesus, you are made worthy. We are not to be exalted, but we are worthy to receive every ounce of grace, love, strength and provision that God shines on us. So, straighten that crown, or in my case, hat, and walk worthy knowing the Lord delights in you. 

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