Better Together!

April 25, 2016

By Chrissy Mayer



Something is stirring. Can you feel it? Can you hear it? Everywhere I go I see it.


In her eyes. In her voice. In her touch. In the noise. I feel it and I know she feels it too.


It's in a weary coffee shop confession, in a quick bite to eat. It's in a heartbroken phone call. In a “catch up” stroll down the street. There’s a spark in her eye inviting you into the fire set ablaze in her heart. There’s passionate desperation in her tone, in between irregular breaths and insufficient words is the heartbeat for - “Something more.” Something more than we’ve settled for.


It confidently reverberates from all directions; Quickly to narrow itself. Begging for both acceptance and membership. “Together we could be an unstoppable force.” For far too long we’ve treaded valleys from the circles we’ve walked; With infrequent stops. Only to look up, quickly glancing from side to side. O so careful not to fall. But something is stirring. And His Spirit is rising. Chains are being loosed and His heart awakened in us. He is raising up an army.


Such Glory. Such Beauty. Such Power. We need each other. The awakening of a mighty sisterhood.


No longer can we sit back as onlookers. The Spirit is calling and equipping. He is assigning and anointing. We were meant for so much more than we’ve settled for.


No longer can we say “I know why the caged bird sings” for precious flows of crimson spring forth. And the door of the tomb stands open wide.


So won’t you join? Join in the day where you receive and accept your gifts and I mine. The day where we lay down false pretenses and worldly facades. Linking arms, let us be the hands and feet that bring life from death; Birthing passions from pain. He puts us in our places with our people. But we need each other.


We can walk worthy of our calling - To be honoring And fearless. Present yet far reaching. To be nurturing and brave, broken yet fierce.


May we not be intimidated by one another but inspired. May we be empowered women, empowering women. Together, risking all for the only two things that truly matter - God and people's souls.


Divinely inspired, He calls us Ezer; To protect, to surround, to defend, to cherish, to fight!


It’s in her voice as it shakes, as she rises against that which weighs her down. It’s in her stance begging to be seen. It’s in her eyes as she watches a new day rise. It's in her heart as He pursues her to dance.


So let us rise together, sisters, linking arms with His Spirit and one another. Let us respond to His call. Let us boldly live love out loud. Not just for the one, but for all. For our daughters, our sisters, our friends. As mothers, for our mothers and generations to come. For the hopeless, the enslaved, the orphaned. Indeed we are so much better together!


“Stand united, singular in vision, contending for people’s trust in the Message, the good news, not flinching or dodging in the slightest before the opposition. Your courage and unity will show them what they’re up against: defeat for them, victory for you—and both because of God.”

Philippians 1:27-28 MSG




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