
September 23, 2014

by Debbie Altman

I feel like I can never step into a worship service without coming to tears.  Although I have to admit, I am a crier.   If my family is watching a movie together, or a really good Hallmark commercial, they always know when to glance my way to see if I am crying!  It is SO annoying!  I just want to have my moment please!

What makes me cry the most however, is the goodness of God.  Don’t think that I haven’t been through many trials and tribulations and just the messiness of life!  Yet when I walk into that worship service, or when I’m thinking of Him anywhere I might be, I am reminded of all the things He has done in my life.  He has taken me from the kingdom of darkness into His marvelous light.  Just knowing Him is something to be thankful for.  I cannot live without Him.  He showed His love for me by dying for me.  If that is all Jesus ever did for any of us, is that not enough?  Yet sometimes we want , want, want.  I know I do.  And He DOES want us to go to Him as a Father and make our requests known to Him!  But we must always remember that He has already done enough to prove His love for us beyond a shadow of a doubt.


But on top of dying for me He HAS done so much more! He has given so many blessings along the way.  And when I have gone through that fiery trial, and I am angry or defeated or tired or lonely… He has held my hand and comforted me with His love.  He has shown me that I am accepted, no matter what.  How good is that!

As I walk into church, I also have the privilege of meeting so many people of every social, racial and economic backgrounds, and I hear stories of people who have travelled different, but often unbelievably difficult roads and have experienced the goodness and redemption of God in their lives.  What an honor to hear their stories and to be reminded of how amazing is our God among us!  If you haven’t been a part of a community of women and men that are sharing their lives together and telling you their stories, and listening to yours; I have to respectfully tell you, that you are missing out on one of the most amazing blessings…being human, being a mess, being forgiven, and still being loved by God and by His people.

So in this messy, crazy, beautiful life that we have, remember to thank Jesus for the outrageous blessing of the cross.  And get into a place where God’s people are clinging to Him together for life and wholeness and peace and joy. And share your stories. I promise, it will bring a tear to your eye.


The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to and end.  They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness!  Lamentations 3:22-23




Debbie is the wife of Pastor Craig Altman, and together, they founded Grace Family Church 20 years ago.  She is a former RN and mother of a 30 year old married daughter, Dara, and 28 year old son, Brent.  She is also known as “Nona” to her 3 precious grandchildren-Sienna is 3 and the twins are 9 months! Debbie enjoys family, reading, the beach, and is inappropriately competitive at board games.

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