Daily Bread

August 1, 2014

by Julie Jaunese

My husband and I were out for breakfast once and when we received our food we bowed our head and thanked God for it.  While we were praying I realized there were several times a week that I forget to pray for my food.  Usually it is in the car as I eat my breakfast bar on the way to work.  That wasn’t anything that I had ever given thought to. Goodness gracious, how ungrateful can I be? I never forget to pray when we sit at a table to eat dinner. I often forget if I am taking a plate and eating in front of the TV by myself. What makes a difference?  Absolutely nothing. It is still food, it is still sustenance provided by God and what He has provided for me.

Matthew-4-4How about you? Have you ever had thoughts about what food should be prayed over before you eat it?   I want to bring a couple of verses into this writing and then bring them together for you.  Matthew 14:19-21 says “Then he ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass, and taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and said a blessing.  Then he broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds.  And they all ate and were satisfied.” So Jesus even prayed at picnics!  Was that the first thing you thought about? I think Jesus was telling us that no matter what we are eating from veggies and dip to a candy bar, we should give thanks.

How about going a step further? Our food is important to pray for before eating but what about when we eat the word of God?  In Matthew 4:4 it says “But He answered, “It is written, “’ Man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD that comes from the mouth of God.”’  I have been thinking about this as I pondered writing this. We should remember to pray not just over the food we eat but also the word of God that we take in.  We all sit down and read devotions every day.  Do you think to pray before you read your devotions? Do you think you may get more out of God’s word if you remember to pray before you take it in with your eyes?

Do you see a pattern? I do. Our entire day should be filled with prayer. If we are sitting in front of the TV for dinner and relaxation – taking in our daily word from God – helping others or ministering to others; our day should be filled with acknowledging who God is and how grateful we are for Him.

I plan to do better at prayer, how about you?  How are you doing at remembering to pray daily for everything? Do you think your day, when bathed in prayer, may be a better day because you are giving it to God before you make your own plans?


Julie Jaunese


Julie Jaunese has been married to her husband Michael for 42 years. She has two daughters and three grandchildren. She works at Moffitt Cancer Center and hosts two women’s small groups, the Yada Book Club and the Fabulous Fems. Mike and Julie have been part of Grace Family Church since it began with 40 people in a house. 

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