Dear 2021 …

January 4, 2021

Dear 2021

Caryn Mora


I recently read a letter on Facebook. It was short and to the point. It simply said, “Dear 2020, Go away. #Seriously!” Is there anything that could sum up our feelings of the last year more adequately?


This past year has been a series of twists and turns that have led us down roads many of us would rather not have gone down. The Lord never promised us a perfect life. The Bible, in fact, tells us that there will be trouble. What God does tell us, however, is that He will never leave us or forsake us. This past year has been difficult, but God has been with us. So, if I were going to write a letter to 2021 it would look something like this:

Dear 2021,


Last year was one of the most difficult years of my life. It was a roller coaster of emotions that brought hardship, loss and pain to so many. But you, 2021, are a brand new year full of promise and hope! I believe that you are going to be the best year I’ve ever seen. I stand in faith that this year I will see God work miracles in my life and the lives of others. John 16:33 says that I should take heart because Jesus has overcome the world. You are the year where I choose to become an overcomer with Jesus. I choose to set aside time every day to build my relationship with Him. You are the year where I choose to ignore the lies of the enemy who tells me that I am nothing and instead believe my Father in Heaven who tells me I am an heir with Jesus (Romans 8:17). I choose to have faith in the Word of God.

Yes, 2021, I’m excited to say goodbye to 2020 and hello to you! I will not allow the baggage of 2020 to enter with me. I’m closing the door and taking with me only the Spiritual lessons that have brought me closer to my Savior.




P.S. Do you think you could get Chick-Fil-A to open up their restaurants inside?

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