Deep Calls to Deep

June 15, 2023

Lisa Santelli, Grace Family Church Lutz

Lately, the word “deeper” has been on my heart. God has been challenging me in a few areas to search into those dark crevices that I’ve been either avoiding or haven’t noticed that require extra attention. Psalm 42:7 TPT states, “My deep need calls out to the deep kindness of Your love.” We all face struggles in life when we feel like we can’t catch a breath or are so exhausted from the constant waves. The CSB version of that same scripture says, “My deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your breakers and your billows have swept over me.” I spent last week at the beach, where we had some really windy days. One day, as I moved slowly into the ocean, large waves kept knocking me off balance. Wave after wave, I kept fighting to stay on two feet. It became exhausting. Add the mix of seaweed tangling around my legs, and I had enough. Many of you may feel like you’re standing in that ocean, getting hit by wave after wave, with something slimy crawling around you, and questioning how God continues to let that happen. 

Recently, I was asking God for a special request. An area I wanted to see Him move and provide a form of blessing. I fasted and prayed and as there was a hint of this request being answered, fear crept in. What if God didn’t answer? What does that mean? Is God listening…does He even care about me? I realized in that moment that I was confusing God’s ability to answer my prayer with how much He loved me. My prayer wasn’t so much for the specific thing, but more that I had a deep need to be heard and seen. Once that realization hit me, I just wept, surrendered and apologized for my disbelief. In that moment, I felt this great peace that no matter if my prayer was answered or not, God was there, He was listening, and He cares for me. God isn’t circumstantial, He is relational. He wants to give us everything, but it's not about materialism or circumstances, it’s about taking us into a deeper relationship with Him. 

Deep calls to deep. If we stay at the surface level, we will never confront the deeper mysteries God wants to show us. The deeper intimacy God has for us. The deeper love He wants to show us. We must wade into the deeper waters to confront our insecurities, our fears, and the pride that is limiting us from recognizing and experiencing the full goodness of God. 

Further down the chapter, Psalm 42:11 TPT says, “Don’t be discouraged, don’t be disturbed. For I know my God will break through for me.” As the Psalmist wrote this, he was fleeing for his life with a saddened heart that he had to leave. And, yet, he continues to praise God and trust that he will be led to safety. His hope was fully in God. Friends, when we go deep below the surface and confront the underlying issues, breakthrough happens. That crippling fear, the hidden pain, the deep insecurities rise to the surface, and we can confront them. Surrender them, and, yes, we can break free! 

Where do you need to go deeper? Or, is the better question, where do you need freedom? Maybe you know what it is, but are avoiding the potential hurt or discomfort to dig it up? Or, maybe you are craving to go deeper, but you aren’t sure where you are supposed to start excavating? I challenge you to examine some areas where you feel frustration, disappointment, fear, annoyance and hurt. Then, ask God to show you how to go below the surface in each area to reveal His kindness and goodness. It may be hard to see in some areas, but I guarantee God only knows how to love and show gentleness, so when you start looking, God will reveal it in tender ways. 

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