Faith Matured

April 23, 2013

by Renee Scott 

Joy. Excitement. Eagerness.

That’s the way I should feel when asked to share my salvation story, however, it wasn’t.  I struggled with what to write about my journey to Christ and I thought about how my story would compare to the others.  I felt like I didn’t have a story, at least not a juicy one. 

Church is all I’ve known.  I don’t remember a time without Christ.  He’s always been a part of my life.  I grew up in a home with parents who love Him and they shared their love with us throughout our childhood.  Our Sunday’s were filled with Sunday school and church service.  We weren’t allowed to watch television before church and our weekly attendance in the house of the Lord was not an option.  During the week we would attend bible study.  Scriptures were spoken frequently in our home.  We took part in the Young People’s Department, played piano for the Sunday school, and attended youth conferences on a regular basis.  We were saturated in the love of Christ.  It was a mandate.  Our parents believe wholeheartedly in Joshua 24:15b (KJV) ”but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”  I fully know that I would not be the woman of God I am today if I didn’t have the prayers and faith of my parents. 

So what is my story? 

God knows I’m not perfect.  Even with my upbringing, I made mistake after mistake after mistake.  I may not remember the journey to Christ like others but I definitely recall my return to Him my last year of college.  It was a pivotal time in my life.  I was getting ready to graduate and within a matter of a month I attended the funeral of three family members, one of which was my grandfather’s.  On top of that, my twin sister was heading south to marry her high school sweetheart, getting ready to start a new career and was driving a new shiny red Jetta. On the other hand, I was heading back home to live with my parents in the car we were given during college, with no job and not even a guy I dated on a regular basis. 

I felt lonely.

My mom told me to pray and embrace this time in my life.  God was writing a story and His purpose for this season would be fulfilled.  She suggested that I specifically ask God in detail for what I wanted.  Before I could ask for all the “stuff” though, I wanted and needed a stronger relationship with Him.  I was going to seek Him first and I figured everything else would fall into place.  I focused my energy on reading God’s word and learning more about His promises for my life.  I rededicated my life to Christ and I finally found joy and peace with all that God was doing in and through me.  It was a bumpy road, but each moment along the way served to mature me and my faith.  

Renee ScottRenee Scott is co-founder of the popular blog,, where she shares encouragement and inspiration to men and women all over the world.  She’s been a member of Grace Family Church for four years. She loves to run and recently completed her first half marathon. She is a wife of over 14 years and mother of two children.


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