Finish Your Race

March 14, 2014

by Renee Scott 

In just two weeks, I will run my third half marathon. Even with two half's under my belt, the thought of running 13.1 miles can be overwhelming. Training during this time of year is great because the weather is amazing but it's still a whole lot of running.

My driving force in making the decision is the fact that I know how great it feels to cross the finish line. I vividly remember my first 5K in 2005. My husband patiently waited in the warmth of the September sun for me to cross the finish line. It took so long, he wondered if I would finish the race. Wheelchairs and mothers with strollers were sailing across the finish line and I was nowhere in sight. When I rounded the corner in the final stretch of the race, I took comfort in hearing his cheers and seeing the smile on my daughter's face. My second wind kicked in and I crossed the finish line as if I were an Olympic track star. Immediately, I forgot the burning calves, abdominal cramps and sore feet. It didn't concern me that I ended near the back of the pack, all that mattered was that I crossed the finish line.

The tremendous joy of completing the race and accomplishing my goal is the inspiration that drives me during my training. No matter what obstacles come my way over the thirteen mile trek, my determination will propel me.

With each passing day, we move closer to Easter Sunday.  A time when we remember the passion of Christ and the sacrifice He made for humanity.  A time when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He knew the outcome of His race! Passion and desire to fulfill God's will, allowed Him to surrender and submit to the intense challenges of His torturous death. Let's remember that Christ stayed focused on the goal and crossed the finish line in a glorious and priestly way.  In your own life, there is a goal set and a finish line to cross. There are challenges you will have to endure to get to the place of maturity and wisdom that Christ wants for you!

How can we encourage you to finish the race? Share your comments below! 


Renee ScottRenee Scott is co-founder of the popular blog, ,where she shares encouragement and inspiration to men and women all over the world.  She’s been a member of Grace Family Church for four years. She loves to run and recently completed her first half marathon. She is a wife of over 14 years and mother of two children.  


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