Fitting It All In

November 8, 2011

by Misty Umholtz

On any given day in my life as a mom of two small children, there is an ongoing list of things in my head that would be ideal to get accomplished in those waking hours.  On top of the daily duties of feeding, cleaning, laundering, grocery shopping, child rearing, etc., there is also the extra projects to get done ie: get pictures printed from the past four months, call a friend I haven’t spoken to in a long time, check on Southwest points, make a chore chart for my 3-year-old daughter and the list goes on.  Then there is always the list of trying to lead a balanced life: trying to fit in a work out, a shower, a quiet time with the Lord, and quality time with my husband. Not to mention the ever so important “want” list of shopping, hanging out with girlfriends, seeing a movie, and reading a book.

Sometimes I wonder, why could God not have given us more hours in the day so we can fit it all in? I have a feeling God knew all along that the parameters of the day He designed were going to pose a challenge for us. Just think back to creation. They only had sunrise to sunset to get all their work done!

I have to believe that the Lord is all knowing and all wise.  I trust that He knows what is best for us and He put the time restraints into place for our good. Instead of asking, “How can I get it all done, Lord?” maybe I should be asking, “What do you want me to get done today, Lord?” As someone who loves to check things off my list, I realize there is more to life than to-do lists in the hours that make up my days, that make up my years. There is fulfillment in knowing I am doing exactly what God wants me to be doing.

Maybe God gave us only 24 hours because we are not suppose to fit it all in.

Lord, teach us to number our days aright so we gain a heart of wisdom.”  Psalms 90:12


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