Fun Friday: Kisses From Katie

February 3, 2012

All month long, A Beautiful Blog will feature stories about "Love & Money." Today's story is a review of an autobiography about an amazing young woman who is proving how encompassing God's love is for each and every person.

by Taylor Dobson

When I was handed the book, "Kisses from Katie" at the beginning of this week, I was excited to begin reading. I had no idea what I would gain from this story – a story that is still being written today. It begins with Katie herself explaining that she is no special person, just someone who said yes to a special plan. Katie currently lives in Uganda in a small town called Jinja. She is feeding over 500 children in her village every week, sending all of them to school with the help of sponsors all over the world, and she herself in the last 2 years has adopted 14 orphaned girls. By the way, Katie is only 21 years old.

What I love about this book is that Katie takes you through her life and heart. She merges her everyday happenings – life with her daughters –with what God is teaching her and how she is walking out her relationship with Christ. She shares the heartache of the poverty stricken and physically sick community in which she serves, and the struggles of having 14 adopted children. Katie is very real and honest. And because of that, when she is rejoicing and excited, you know it is true joy. Her ministry and non-profit organization began in Uganda and it is amazing how God has, and is, continuing to grow it.

When you read a book like this or hear about people who are doing something of this magnitude, the temptation is to either sell everything you own and move to the bush, or look at your own life and think, "I'm not doing anything to that level so I must not be doing anything." Katie speaks to the heart of this when she writes in her journal one day. "Jesus fed the 5,000, but eventually they were hungry again. He healed the sick and blind, but maybe they got sick again. Lazarus eventually passed away. But Jesus wasn't trying to fix people for good. Only by knowing and loving God can you be fixed for good. Jesus was trying to meet their need right there. To love with reckless abandon is to understand that you may have to come back and meet that same need again and again. But that is the true love of Jesus Christ. He is always ready to love."

This book will inspire you to dream big and say yes to God in the everyday ordinary. Katie's story will cause you to laugh, cry and learn more about the God of the universe whose first command is to Love. Read her story and let yourself sit in the awe of how big our God is.

Kisses from Katie is available in the GFC bookstore, The Source. For more information about Katie and her ministry, visit her blog, Kisses From Katie

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