God Knows!

May 30, 2014

by Renee Scott

Normally on Sunday evenings, you will find my daughter and I getting her hair ready for school on Monday. This past week she asked me "Mommy, I wonder how many hairs are on my head"?

What a question!


2d7f199c66560b24557af257be4ca7d1Even though I carried my daughter in my womb for nine months, gave birth to her after 15 hours of labor and nursed her for 12 months, I didn't know the number.  Her Bratz doll was close by so we started trying to count her hair strand by strand. I think we stopped after five strands of hair. We quickly found out that it would be exhausting to try and count each piece of hair. I then turned her question into a teachable moment.

The word of God shares with us that we were knitted together in our mother's womb and the number of hairs on our head are all numbered and known by Him. He knows when we sit and when we rise. He can even perceive our thoughts from a distance. Before a word is on our tongue, He knows it completely. In those moments when we feel that he must not care about us or our situation, the 139th Psalm assures us that He does know and He cares.


13 For you created my inmost being;

you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

your works are wonderful,

I know that full well.

15 My frame was not hidden from you

when I was made in the secret place,

when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.

16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;

all the days ordained for me were written in your book

before one of them came to be.

17 How precious to me are your thoughts,[a] God!

How vast is the sum of them!

18 Were I to count them,

they would outnumber the grains of sand—

when I awake, I am still with you.


I shared with my daughter that even though we may not know the number of hairs on her head, God knows.  Hold fast to the truth that you are fearfully and wonderfully made! He knows your pain, sees your tears and will come when you call.  Thank God he knows your number!


Had a recent teachable moment with your child?  Share with us below.

Renee Scott


Renee Scott is co-founder of the popular blog, www.doubleportioninspiration.blogspot.com ,where she shares encouragement and inspiration to men and women all over the world.  She’s been a member of Grace Family Church for four years. She loves to run and recently completed her first half marathon. She is a wife of over 14 years and mother of two children.  


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