God Of Many Chances

September 28, 2013

by Terri Blanchard

I couldn’t believe I did it again. Then I turned around and did it again. I kept making the same mistakes over and over again! When was I ever going to learn? When would I stop repeating the same mistakes? If it had been me I would have given up on me a long time ago. God could have just given up on me. He could have, He should have, and He ought to have. But He didn’t.

I am encouraged by the story of the Israelites from Egypt (Exodus 12:37, 13:18). The Israelites left Egypt to go to the Promised Land. It was a three day journey from Egypt to the Promised Land. But it took them 40 years to get there! God did not give up on the Israelites during that whole time. They kept making the same mistakes over and over but God gave them so many chances.

Sadly, it took me almost 40 years to finally stop making the same mistakes over and over (I am a slow learner). Sometimes I felt like giving up on myself or even worse that God had given up on me. But He never did. I am so thankful that He didn’t. For me, God was not only the God of second chances, but the God of many chances!    

The Lord is gracious and merciful; slow to anger and abounding in mercy. The Lord is good to all, compassionate toward all your works.” Psalm 145:8-9

Have you ever felt like you just keep making the same mistakes over and over? Do you ever feel like just giving up? Well, I have good news for you!  God has not given up on you.  Just like the song says, “His love never fails, never gives up, never runs out on me”.

So if it feels like you are in the wilderness, keep walking. If you think you should give up, keep trying. Don’t give up on yourself. God has not given up on you. Thankfully, He is the God of many chances.

O give thanks to the Lord; for He is good: for His mercy endures forever.” Psalm 136:1

Terri Owens Blanchard is very happily married to John Blanchard. She is also a mother, a Mimi to her granddaughter, a Mary Kay Consultant, and a small group leader for the Military Wives group. She loves to shop, travel, and shop as she travels! She also enjoys spending time with family, friends and her crazy pets. 

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