God’s Best

March 14, 2025

By: Alexis Patterson 

For the LORD God is a sun and shield. The LORD grants favor and honor; he does not withhold the good from those who live with integrity. 

Psalm 84:11 CSB

I love this verse so much. It communicates very beautiful attributes of God, and I am reminded of just how good God is. In times when life seems chaotic and complicated, I run to this verse. When I want to sit in His presence, I remember this verse. Scripture says, “God is a sun and shield.” He alone is the light: He illuminates through the darkness and guides me to truth. God is a shield: He protects and keeps me from all harm. Then, Psalm 84 goes on to tell me that this same God also grants me favor and honor, and does not withhold any good thing from me. 

I’ve committed this verse to memory because sometimes, I fall into the trap of thinking that when things don’t go the way I want or plan, perhaps God doesn’t want me to do or to have that thing. Or, when life presents obstacles or hurdles, everything in me has to fight against the tempting thought that God is keeping me from what I want or need. That couldn’t be further from the truth. God is always good and can be nothing but good. So, what if I align my thinking with God’s Word? What if I started owning the idea that just because something doesn’t go the way I want or plan, God’s best for me is far better than what I think I want? He knows me better than I know myself. His plans are proper, good and always what I need. He would never withhold anything good from me. I think about how I am with my children. I want nothing but the best for them. When they call out for me, my immediate response is one of love, compassion and the most sincere desire to give them my best. The thing is, I know a lot more than them and I know better than they do. So, sometimes they don’t get exactly what they petitioned for, but they will always get something better, even if they don’t know that what I provide is actually what they need.

God is the same way with us. He’s not a God who doesn’t care about our hearts’ desires, but He knows better. And sometimes we desire things that, if He granted them, would not reflect His integrity of being a good God. Because it is impossible for God to be anything opposite of good, we must trust that He will always go above and beyond for us. When you don’t land the job, it's okay; God has something better. When the relationship dissolves, don’t cry too long; God is navigating you to someone greater. When your dreams are delayed, dry your eyes; God will go beyond your wildest dreams. God will never withhold good from you. I hope you find peace in this. Know that every time you go to God, He sees and hears you. He’s already prepared His very best for you.

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