God’s Gracious Intervention

September 22, 2023

By: Casey Griffiths

“I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. ” Psalm 40:1-3

I had “one of those mornings” today. You know, when you wake up and nothing seems to go your way, and it feels like it’s just you against the world? Well, that was me today. My day was off to a frustrating and chaotic start, and as a result, I began to grump around and was throwing a mini pity party for myself. Oh, it was bad, and it’s a hard thing for me to admit, but I was stuck wallowing in the “slimy pit” of my disappointing morning, and nothing seemed to turn my day around. I was feeling completely out of sorts, and every word that crossed my mind or came out of my mouth was tinged with negativity, impacting everything I was doing. 

And then God graciously intervened. You see, when I sat down at my office desk to start my work day, I glanced over to see the Verse of the Day Calendar. I stopped what I was doing to read it, and it was as if today’s passage, Psalm 40:1-3, was specifically meant for me to read this morning. These verses reminded me that God DOES hear me, He DOES see me! It’s not “me against the world”; it’s me AND GOD against all that might come my way. Immediately, I felt a sense of calm come over me. I prayed to the Lord and shared my frustration, and the mind-consuming negativity miraculously lifted. Praise God for the gift of a new song of praise to Him! All of my frustrations weren’t solved or changed, but my entire mindset was, which made all of the difference. 

Ladies, this Psalm is for you, too. God sees you today. No matter what slimy pit you are in, God is there, and He knows. Be reminded that no matter what your cry is, God is listening! He is ready to turn to you and lift you out of whatever you are facing, and He wants to provide a firm place for you to stand and a new song for your heart. 

Would you take a minute and pray with me?

Lord, thank you for seeing us today! Thank you for listening and for providing all we need. God, you see the situations that surround us and the negativity that clouds our every thought. Lord we give these things over to you, and we ask that you help us to be aware of your gifts and be encouraged with a new song in our hearts and in our minds. Thank you, Lord, for graciously intervene!  


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