Gods Timing

May 7, 2013

by Dani Catherine 

This past semester and season has been a tough one for me. In January, I injured my knee, lost my job because of it and endured a painful knee surgery that required 2 months of being laid up. Also, the news that my knee wouldn't be fully healed for a year, decreased my faith; I found my faith starting to dim. My negative circumstances started to define my relationship with God. I kept asking God "Why?” instead of "What are you showing me”?

It wasn't until I heard Paige Eavenson speak about the story of Mary and Elizabeth that my faith was back to where it should ultimately be; which is putting all my troubles and worries into Gods faithful hands. Paige really emphasized the fact that as we believe, God provides blessings (Luke 1:45). It was that moment that I knew God was close to me, even though I felt like He was distant. He sent a laborer, Paige (who I couldn't live without) to remind me of His faithfulness and that He had a greater purpose for the storm I was enduring and it will be used for His glory. Also, the story of Mary and Elizabeth emphasized on how important it is to seek support from friends- something new that I have to work on that God showed me. Once I started to believe that there was a greater purpose for my story, things started to change and I could see the blessings God was pouring in little by little rather than focusing on what I thought He wasn’t doing; which in reality, He was and always is doing, providing and blessing! I wasn't blinded by my circumstances anymore.

Within 2 months of being laid up and not thinking I'd get a job or walk again, I was not only blessed with 1 job, but 2 jobs! I was not only blessed with a family who helped me through my physical pain, but I was blessed with a family who helped my through my emotional pain. I was not only blessed with friends and a boyfriend who cared and accepted my down moments, but with friends and a boyfriend who helped me see the light. I was not only blessed with a new knee, but I was able to walk without feeling the pain from my knee injury. What I take from this past semester and season in my life is that as we are faithful to God, He is ever so faithful to us- no matter the timing, His timing is always perfect. 

So, I want to leave you with this question: What are you believing God for? 

Dani Catherine is the Communications Coordinator for the Beautiful Ministry, as well as a full time Substance Abuse Therapist. Dani loves to bake, eat ice cream, paint, snap photos and spend time with her loved ones. 


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