Going the God Route

April 29, 2014

by Sharon Tubbs

I rarely get lost. Give me the directions, a map and I’m good—at least most of the time. I take after my father this way. Long before Mapquest or GPS, he sketched routes on a map from Point A to Point B, then memorized them. He’d load the whole family into that old Bonneville or the Buick and hardly ever made a wrong turn on our summer road trips. By example, he trained me to see the big picture, to chart the course, to estimate the necessary minutes or hours.

The only problem is, much to my dismay, these mapping skills don’t always translate to other areas of my life. No matter how much I try to sketch an exact route for my future, obstacles get in the way. They force me to stop in my tracks or to take a detour. I’ve even gotten lost. I looked around and thought, Where in the world…? I get flustered, trying to figure out the next step beyond that blind turn ahead. I begin to doubt that I’m on the right course at all. Am I living in the right city? Am I pursuing the right dream? Is my life really on track?

You might be there, too. Your intended route and arrival plans have been altered. Roadblocks are ahead, with huge unavoidable signs:

“Detour: He’s not the one, girlfriend!”

“Wrong path—peace that way!”

“Ahead of Schedule—stand still for now!”

“Sorry, but you can’t get there from here!”

Not exactly the signs we all want to see, right? The good thing is, we can find comfort in God’s Word. There, He assures us that His plans are better than we can even imagine.

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us...
Ephesians 3:20

He inspires us to make goals, but also to be open to His guidance along the way.

A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9

He lets us know that, as long as we strive to live for Him, to know Him and to please Him, we don’t have to worry about getting lost. Even if we make mistakes, He’s faithful to redirect us.

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way. Psalm 37:23

Those verses bring such comfort. They inspire me to recognize the Holy Spirit as my divine GPS system. Sometimes, He directs me through circumstances and opportunities that He allows to come my way. Sometimes, He alters my desires, and the pathways I used to crave don’t appeal to me anymore. Other times, He “speaks” to me through my Bible study and prayer time. His words leap off the page or echo in my heart, and I know He’s telling me what to do next.

Of course, I still cherish what my Daddy taught me about getting from Point A to Point B on the literal highways and byways. But when it comes to life, only my Heavenly Father can direct me along the best path for His glory.



Sharon Tubbs works with the Women’s Ministry at Grace Family Church. She is also an inspirational speaker, author and business owner. As she continually strives to reach her potential in Christ, Sharon’s joy comes from inspiring others to do the same by truly seeking and knowing Him. 

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