
September 9, 2016

By Gretchen Zayas

  Five years ago I joined a small group at Grace.  Since then I’ve met so many people and connected to many different communities of women.  But, It wasn’t always this way. Rewind to Fall 2011. I started attending Grace Family Church because my kids loved coming to the student ministry. foundation-in-godI came from a very legalistic church background and this was a completely different experience. I loved the music but was a bit intimidated by the environment of everything else. To say I was guarded is an understatement. I knew I was missing something but I needed a push to get moving.  A friend of mine invited me to come to her Beautiful table she was hosting for the Women’s Bible study and I said yes. I wanted to meet other women but was a little nervous because I knew no one! The semester started off great but I realized I was not at a table that was a good fit for me.  I didn’t want to hurt my friend’s feelings, but I also felt a nudge to explore other classes. I found out another friend was teaching a New Believers class on Monday nights and she asked me to come listen to the lesson that week. Because I was raised in the church and even though I had a few unanswered questions, PRIDE deterred me from exploring it! I didn't think I needed it. I told myself, "I will go for emotional support."  Little did I know what God had in store for me! I visited that class on Prayer and never made it back down to my Beautiful table!  Oh, and the friend who originally invited me was so excited that I was getting connected which made it so much easier for me to take the step I needed to. I learned so much through the class during the remainder of the semester. I was able to ask questions I was always too afraid to ask. I connected with God in a way that I hadn't ever before.  I fell in love with the curriculum and quickly got more involved. Fast forward a few semesters and the class was renamed Foundations and rightfully so. Our church has so many people from different backgrounds and this class gives a platform to dispel some of the myths many of us have about the Bible and Gods truth. For people searching for answers, the Foundations class is a safe place to learn without judgement! Whether you have been in church your whole life or are new to it, Foundations will benefit you and your journey. Will you become a seeker of God’s heart with us? 

“You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13

*Foundations meets every Monday night on the Van Dyke Campus at 7:00 PM.

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