Just Checking In...

July 14, 2023

By: Pam Otto 

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.”  1 Thessalonians. 5:11

Okay friends, I thought it might be time for a little midsummer check-in.

Hoping you've embraced the change of pace, enjoyed a planned vacation, or had some intentional time relaxing and reflecting just a bit more than usual.

Maybe you've taken some time to reconnect with friends or have found a bit more time to engage with family or neighbors. Summer is a great time to slow our pace down, to breathe, and to find more margin in our days. 

If it were possible, I'd love to pour you a cup of coffee or a cold lemonade, find a breezy place near the water and ask you all about your summer so far! I have a list of questions for you… Are you ready?

  1. So far, has summer 2023 been all you had thought it would be? If not, how can you change that?

  2. Do you have a favorite vacation spot or place you go to rest and relax?

  3. What intentional things have you done with your family or friends?

  4. What book have you read lately that has challenged you in your faith?

  5. Tell me about your journey with Jesus - what has He taught you this Summer?

  6. Have you taken any steps to deepen your relationships? What does that look like?

  7. What’s been hard for you lately?

  8. Have you prayed? How has God answered you?

  9. What are you most grateful for these past few weeks?

  10. What are your plans for the rest of the summer - how will you use this next month to get refreshed?

Did any of the above questions challenge you or make you want to initiate something new? There is such a benefit in taking some focused time to slow down, pause and reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re going.  

Now is a great time to talk things out with a friend, pray for God's direction, and carve out time to listen and learn from God and others. 

I love this verse. 1 Thessalonians. 5:11 says, “So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.” The challenge is to be an encouragement or comfort to another; to be available to listen, care and inspire.  

So wherever you find yourself, whether in the busyness of kids and crazy or the quietness of a slower summer, let’s take some time to connect with another, ask some good questions and be an encouragement along the way!

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