Liar Liar

October 27, 2017

Becky Olszewski



The constant nagging in my head tells me I can’t do it; tells me I’m not good enough.  If I’m not careful, I’ll believe it.  Not long ago, I did believe it.  The lies had twisted and coiled themselves inside my head so much that I didn’t even recognize their existence.  An idea or opportunity would present itself in my life and without even realizing it, I was telling myself “Nope, you can’t do that”; “You aren’t good enough, important enough, or special enough”.  A close friend pointed out the limits I had placed on myself.  She helped me process my thoughts and made me aware of lies I had come to believe.


The Enemy was so sneaky in the ways he got ahold of me.  My thoughts are one of the biggest ways he trapped me.  The more lies he got me to believe, the more I was confined to the boundaries those lies create so that I wouldn't reach my full potential in Christ.


How was I supposed to serve God and follow the path He had for me if I believed I couldn’t do it and wasn’t good enough?!  I had to fix it; I had to change my way of thinking!


Changing my thoughts took a lot of consistent work.  First, I had to recognize the enemy’s lies that were showing up in my thoughts.  I had to focus and be aware of what I was thinking about.  Once I recognized a thought from the enemy, I had to cast out that thought from my mind.  Calling on the name of Jesus helped me do this!


Luke 10:17-19 says, “When the seventy-two disciples returned, they joyfully reported to him, “Lord, even the demons obey us when we use your name!” “Yes,” he told them, “I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning!  Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them.  Nothing will injure you.”


It wasn’t just the disciples Jesus gave authority to, we have it too!  I can say His name out loud!  “In the name of Jesus, I cast out this lie and throw it away.  I will believe it no more!  In the name of Jesus, I take away any power you think you have over me and I cast it away.  In the name of Jesus, I cover myself and others around me in the Holy Spirit who gives us strength, peace and power.”  AMEN!


I then replace the enemy’s negative thought with a positive truth about who I am in Christ.  Memorizing scripture about how much God loves me is a great way to do that.  Psalm 139 is my favorite scripture about God’s love for me. When I focus on God's Word and His truth, I am able to overcome those lies and change my thoughts. I no longer am trapped and it is good!


What lies from the enemy are you believing?  Pray and ask God to reveal them to you.  Then bind and cast the lies away and find a verse to memorize that supports God’s truth.

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