Life Interrupted

June 10, 2014

by Dawn Smiling

"Life Interrupted" is a great book I read by Priscilla Shirer. How did I stumble upon this book?  Well, a dear friend was going through a tough time in her life with her family.  I will never forget the words she said to me over breakfast.  “I feel like I am losing my family”.  Of course, I charged in to save the day. What else could the Pastor’s wife do? I ran to the store to find everything I could to encourage her.  When I saw this book, I was so excited.  I eagerly skimmed through every chapter to make sure the book was everything she needed.  A perfect read.  The next time I had lunch with her, it was like Christmas.  Do you recall those moments when you wanted your friend to know that God can do anything.  God can pick out the perfect book with the exact words you need to hear.  Well, I want you to know that her family is still intact, praise God. But my life…..was interrupted.

Without notice and without warning, it was me who entered a crash that I find myself still recovering from. I was in shock. The last thing I wanted to do was return to the store to purchase another copy of this book for myself. But I did.  I thought it was horrible that God would upset my life with personal drama. To add insult to injury, every word of encouragement I gave to my friend I had to speak those words over my own broken heart to ensure I did not lose my mind. I discovered that a life interrupted is still a life that God can use.

shoppingAs Jonah fled when God gave him a command, do you find yourself fleeing a situation because you don’t see God’s plan in it? I thought everything was perfect, or at least bearable.  Why did things have to change?  A life interrupted that changed the structure of my family, my job situation, and the place where I lived. Why did everything have to change without my permission?

This book centers on the life of Jonah.  I wish I could outline everything that blessed my life through this book.   The main point I want to share about this awesome book is at one time or another, life will bring an interruption.  Life interruptions take on many forms; death, sickness, financial loss, issues with friends, trouble at home, challenges at work, or just our womanly mood swings.  When you least expect it, your faith will be challenged and your obedience to God tested.  No matter how you may try to escape your destiny in order for you to receive unrealized deliverance, God will provide a great fish to capture you and get your mind right.  God allows interruptions in order to strengthen your confidence in him, not your ability.

If you have not read this book yet, I encourage you to purchase it.  If you have read it, it is a great book to read again and receive additional words of love, encouragement, mercy and grace from our heavenly Father.

When is the last time your life was interrupted?  When did God allow the landscape of your life to change, or challenge you with a request that you felt you were not strong enough to carry out?  I want to encourage you as you go through things that may seem unfair, or too hard to deal with.  As Jonah discovered, God is in the center of every interruption that life throws your way.  Stand in the center of God’s will, and He will bring you into the strength you need to embrace and overcome your personal Nineveh.

Dawn Smiling

Dawn Smiling enjoys volunteering at Grace Family Church as a prayer counselor, part of the soul care ministry, and as a table leader for Beautiful Monday Nights. 

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