Life Is Like a Roller Coaster

July 25, 2014

by Dani Catherine

About a month ago, my friends and I went on an adventure to see Jimmy Fallon at Universal. We got there a little bit early because we didn’t know the process of checking in and getting our tickets, and of course we wanted to ride the rides, and scream our heads off!

The first roller coaster we went on, Rip Ride Rockit, was an hour wait- which was perfect because we had to check in to get our tickets in about an hour. We waited in line, and I was getting antsy. Time was ticking, and I wanted to make sure we checked in on time. Well, of course, the roller coaster was having some technical difficulties, which caused us to wait a little longer. We finally got on the roller coaster, and…we started to get stuck. All I could think about was how we were going to be late for Jimmy Fallon…(why was that my worry?) The roller coaster eventually got unstuck and we were on the ground in no time and made a dash to check in for our tickets. We were pretty much the first people in line. It was a day of surprises and unexpected twists and turns. My worries seemed to subside through it all, and all I heard was “See, Dani, I got you. Be patient!” 

Ohhh, here we go again with this “patience” word. I truly have had enough of that word. But it’s something I have been trying to practice better, and God has been doing such a work in me regarding it. I have fully grasped that I have no control over anything and God is never outside His timing. Believe me, it’s a struggle everyday to practice patience, but I am getting there!

It’s funny how this time, my patience was tested on a roller coaster. But, isn’t life like that? Full of surprises and unexpected twists and turns. Just as I waited in the line to get on the roller coaster, I am waiting for the next season of life. Just as I got on the roller coaster and it went up, down, around, and got stuck, so does life with it’s twists and turns-and sometimes, I get stuck. And just as the roller coaster stopped, so does life; life goes up and down and eventually it stops and then it goes up and down again. Life isn’t always going to be a smooth ride, it’s going to have twists and turns and even some surprises- and we (speaking for myself!) have to practice patience along the way and fully trust that Gods timing is perfect.

When life hands you unexpected twists, turns, and surprises, remember to enjoy the ride…it’s going to be worth it!


Dani Catherine


Dani Catherine works at GFC as the Ministry Assistant to the Beautiful Ministry. Dani loves to bake, scream her head off at hockey games, drink tea, paint, snap photos and spend time with her dog Jeter!

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