Me Time

August 22, 2014

by Dara Laporta

My daughter, Sienna, will be 3 in just a few weeks, and my twin boys, Price and Maddox, are 9 months old. My days are long. My days are busy...non-stop busy. Don't get me wrong, I always find time to do my 30 minute workout and answer my business-related messages, but I came to realize that wasn't enough. In order to have the patience and self-control I needed to survive my days without completely flipping out (no sarcasm there), I needed quiet "ME" time.  And more than anything, I needed "GOD" time.

So for months, I KNEW I should get up one hour before my daughter wakes up, get my coffee, and be still. But I didn't do it...and I didn't do it...and I didn't do it. Until one day, I did. I have hardly missed a day since.

The difference is astounding.

08cc0a5872d4d1f7d352ec5c46fdca9d-1Instead of Sienna interrupting my sleep and greeting her grumpily, I look forward to her peeking those beautiful eyes around the corner and delightfully (yes, delightfully) wishing her a "Good morning, beautiful!"

Instead of feeling like I am in a losing race from the moment I wake up until the last child is in bed, I approach the day at an even, steady pace.  (Admittedly, the even, steady pace doesn't always last). Instead of waking up overwhelmed with my duties, I am confident and excited to experience life with my children, while simultaneously pursuing my other dreams, as well.

And most importantly, I feel at home in my relationship with God.  He doesn't feel far away.  Spending that forty-five minutes in the Bible, prayer and gratitude gives me hope and passion in my role as a mother, and in all areas of my life.

Real Talk:

Do I jump out of bed humming?  NO, but it's less difficult waking up than I thought.

Do I still lose it on my kids?  YES, but less often.

Do I always feel completely content and at peace?  NO, but it sure helps.

Do I do it everyday?  NO, but I do it Monday thru Friday.

All that to say, I feel like in doing this, I discovered this great big secret of motherhood.  It has made me a better mom and a better wife and a better everything. I implore you...if you feel like you are barely keeping your head above water, try this. Start small. Start with fifteen minutes of quiet. Start somewhere. Sometime. Mamas  need time to themselves. They need time when they are not mamas. They need Jesus.

...You are my God. At dawn I search for You.
My whole being desires You;
like a dry, worn-out, and waterless land,
my soul thirsts for you.
Psalm 63:1


I am a wife to Matt and a mom to toddler, Sienna, and twin baby boys, Price and Maddox. I am an All-American pole-vaulter, foodie, lover of roller coasters and Gator football. I am competitive to a fault, a fitness enthusiast, I delight in awkward moments, and I am blessed to work from home helping others reach their health and fitness goals.

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