Meet Me In the Middle

September 29, 2016

By Pam Otto




When driving in your car, have you ever chuckled at other drivers around you who may be singing to themselves or chatting away on their phones, often talking to seemingly no one? Well, I realized the other day that I have slowly turned into “That” lady…the car talker, or in my case, the car pray-er!



I’ve been spending large amounts of time in my car these days as my three teenagers are involved in numerous activities and my driving skills are requested on a regular basis. I’m learning to embrace this time with God and find myself talking to Him regularly and pouring out my heart as run from one thing to the next.



tumblrMy prayer time in the car has become one of the regular places that God has met me in very real, intimate ways. I continue to stand amazed at how often God will speak to me, encourage me and direct me while I'm inviting Him into the highs and lows of my life, even while driving.



Just recently I was reflecting and praying during one of my driving adventures. I was talking out loud and poured out my heart, surrendered my burdens and laid out the concerns overwhelming me. I got to a place of expectancy, desiring God to connect with me, to show up, to reveal more, to speak clearly, to meet me in the middle of each and every request.



I paused and waited. After a bit of quietness, I turned on the radio and a song that I've heard countless times all of a sudden became life-giving, new and fresh to me. Don't you just love when that happens?



The song Keep Walkin' by Toby Mac confirmed to me that God hears my prayers, knows my needs and is eager to show up and meet with me, offering more of his knowledge, power and presence in my life.


I know your heart been broke again

I know your prayers ain’t been answered yet

I know you’re feeling like you got nothing left

Well, lift your head, it ain’t over yet, ain’t over yet so


Move, keep walkin’ soldier keep movin’ on

Move, keep walkin’ until the mornin’ comes

Move, keep walkin’ soldier keep movin’ on

And lift your head, it ain’t over yet, ain’t over yet



I should have seen it coming, but once again, God wowed me with His ability to enter into my heart and head, soul and spirit, whether in a cozy chair in my home or in the drivers seat of my car.



He is omnipresent ~ everywhere, always with us, always seeing, hearing and ready to walk with us into the everyday struggles of our lives. We have this wonderful freedom to pray wherever and whenever and know that He is delighted to connect with us as we invite Him into our days.



James 4:8 says “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you”, anytime, anyplace. No limitations or structures are needed for talking to God. He just wants to hear from us and then enter into our messy, full lives and offer more love, more power, more of Himself.


In the middle of your busyness, where do you meet with God?




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