More Room For God

August 20, 2013

by Dani Catherine 

As July was approaching, I was thinking, praying, and brainstorming of what I was going to fast from. It changed from eating only 7 types of foods, to spending money only on bills, to “I don’t feel called to fast.” And then it dawned on me that, at that moment, I was feeling defeated in the area of appearance. I had the desire to look perfect. I had the desire to buy clothing, handbags and shoes…that would only leave me broke…and not just financially broke, spiritually bankrupt. I was craving to look perfect more than I was craving God.

It was completely obvious that I was going to make more room for God and less room for perfectionism. I decided that I was 1) going to go through my closet 2 times in July and give away all items I didn’t wear more than once (Note: most of my clothes still had tags on them) and 2) Not purchase anything that would “magnify” my appearance (No clothing, jewelry, makeup, shoes, handbags, etc.) Boy, was I in for a tough month.

As I was going through my closet, tossing dress after dress and shirt after shirt in a garbage bag, I realized that all this “stuff” had defined me at an attempt to cover up how truly broken and lost I once was. I used “fashion” and “stuff” to deflect from inner turmoil. God showed up that day in my closet. As the tears were rolling down my face, I let go of the “stuff” that kept me blocked from being vulnerable and from being who I truly was.  If I couldn't be vulnerable with other people, how was I going to be vulnerable with God? I finally saw “me.” And that me is a girl whose identity is found in Christ, a girl who has bad days, a girl with a past and a girl who is tired of hiding underneath the “trendy clothes” and “dolled up container” to forget about the junk. I don't need the latest dress from H&M or the cutest pair of shoes from Aldo, because my needs are met fully in Christ. I got rid of a whole lot that day- my ego, my pride, my past, my selfishness...and gained a whole lot- more room for God.

My prayer for you is that God shows you what to do with your excess, and where that excess is. I pray that each step you take to getting rid of “stuff”, guides you into the ultimate truth- that He is ALL you need!

Is there something you need to get rid of to make more room for God? Share your comments and thoughts below. 

Dani Catherine is the Communications Coordinator for the Beautiful Ministry, as well as a full time Substance Abuse Therapist. Dani loves to bake, eat ice cream, paint, snap photos and spend time with her loved ones…especially her dog, Jeter! 

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