New Friends

March 3, 2017

By Vicky Orefice



In honor of GFC's Beautiful Spring semester starting a few weeks ago I thought I would share about my experience in joining a group and the value in being a part of one.


I started attending the Monday night Bible Study at the Van Dyke campus last Fall. I was feeling really drained emotionally, physically, and spiritually and I felt that I needed some more Jesus time in my life and wanted to get more connected to my church. My husband and I had been attending this church for about 9 months, but hadn't really gotten involved. (It's a large church and easy to get lost in the crowd, especially when you are introverts like we are.) I'd heard time and time again, that the best way to get connected in a large church, or any size church for that matter, is by joining a group.


Well, I finally made the huge leap and went on a Monday night to try it out. Leading up to the evening, all the anxiety kicked in and it crossed my mind to just go home instead of turning on the road to get to the church, but I didn't give in. When I entered the sanctuary I was greeted by a couple ladies who welcomed me, had me fill out a name tag and sat with me a group of ladies at a table.


The rest was history.


These ladies made me feel welcomed and part of the family. I created relationships, friendships through this group which has opened up other relationships. We have provided each other support and words of encouragement in this thing called life through table conversations, prayers, texts, etc.


One of the friendships that has formed as a result of this life group is with this lovely lady, Ashley.



This bottle of sunshine has been such a pleasure to meet. She was my lifesaver during the women's conference from saving me seats each day to introducing me to other ladies at church. She will send me a text or two throughout the week just to say 'hello and hope that I am having a great week'. While it may seem like nothing, this small gesture, taking time out of her busy week to send me a text, has been huge in just making me feel special and loved. That folks, is what this Christian life is all about. Okay, enough of the gush talk.


I am so thrilled that this semester's study is Lisa Bevere's Girls With Swords book. Y'all already know, since the Fearless Conference, I've been slightly obsessed inspired by Lisa Bevere. I'm really looking forward to reading this book this semester!


If you haven't found your group, there is still time to join!  You can search women's groups here: or email

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