Remembrance In The Wait

March 27, 2025

By: Lisa Santelli

I’ll remember the Lord’s works; yes, I will remember your ancient wonders.

Psalm 77:11  

I’ve often been told that I have the patience of a saint. I’m not one to explode or be demanding, but that doesn’t mean I don’t wrestle internally or have annoying thoughts fly through my head. In fact, I can be one to fester internally until eventually the lining thins and the impatience seeps out. It’s in those moments that we often cry out, expressing our hurt, disappointments and lack of understanding when we’re not seeing movement in what we’re praying and believing for. 

In Psalm 77, we see Asaph crying out to God. He is in a season of waiting. We feel his desperation, frustration and discouragement as he talks to God.

“Do You hear me?” (Psalm 77:1) 

“Have You forgotten me?” (Psalm 77:9)

“Are You withholding compassion because You’re angry with me?” (Psalm 77:9)

Have you ever walked through a trial and asked God these questions? Maybe you haven’t said them out loud but felt them in your heart. You haven’t seen the healing yet. You are waiting on financial provision. You are wondering when that lost child is going to return. And, when time lingers, you find yourself still in the waiting room while people around you are moving on. I have been in Asaph’s place, trying to make sense of the waiting.


But then, in verse 11, Asaph says, “I’ll remember the Lord’s works; yes, I will remember your ancient wonders.” It was during this time that Asaph began to remember, stating incredible acts of wonder that God had delivered. He understood the magnitude of God’s wondrous ways and holiness, and most importantly, His timing. It filled Asaph with hope that if God did it before, He could most definitely do it again!

It’s during these times we must remember all God has done for us: the healings of you or your loved ones, the accident He saved you from, the relationship He restored, the provision that arrived just in time—and, most importantly, the rescue of a heart that had been battered, but claimed by God as His anyway. Sitting in the waiting isn’t easy, but it can cause us to reflect and grow, refixing our gaze on the One who still does miracles.

If you are sitting in the waiting room for God to reveal His next move, be comforted that He is moving. He is orchestrating His best plans for you. Take some time to pause and reflect on all the wondrous miracles He has already delivered in your life. I pray you find hope and encouragement, knowing that He is the same miracle-working God yesterday, today and forever.    

Lord, as we sit in the wait, may we be reminded of all the details You have connected and orchestrated in our lives. May we rest in a state of wonder of how You have saved us and continue to protect us, provide for us and guide our paths. Lord, restore hope in those areas where we have a hard time seeing past the circumstances. Show us grace when our patience runs thin, and help redirect our gaze back to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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