
October 15, 2013

By Vivian Germain

Wow! What a Beautiful Weekend indeed! I’m still in awe of what God did at the Retreat and how He ministered to many of us. I was truly excited about this year’s retreat as new things were happening before the weekend even began.  For the very first time in 3 years I wasn’t either pregnant or bringing an infant with me, I was not working during the retreat and for the very first time I was teaching a breakout session. I so desired to spend quality time with God at the retreat, to find out what He had for me next and to REST! The season I’m in doesn’t really allow for me to spend quiet times or to rest much at home. I often feel mentally and emotionally exhausted.

It all started the first night when I opened the little blue Tiffany box, and my word was “RESTORED”. I knew then that God was going to restore my rest and renew my strength. But later He revealed a deeper meaning to that word. Back in March I asked Kristin Bonham if I could lead a breakout session at the Beautiful Weekend. I told her that God had placed that desire in my heart and He gave me the topic He wanted me to speak on. I was filled with excitement and nerves all at the same time, but as summer approached and I started preparing my message I began to doubt whether or not God was really calling me to do so. The doubt arouse because a few years ago God placed a desire in me to minister to women but I wrestled with that because I didn’t feel qualified and to be honest with you, I just didn’t see it happening. I told God back then that “If He was really calling me He will make it happen” but nothing really changed Ministry wise after He gave me that desire and this year I have been struggling again trying to find out what my purpose and my calling is. But He reassured me that I was supposed to share my message.

I knew the Beautiful Weekend was going to be amazing because: 1) We had our sweet Pat Layton as our Keynote speaker and 2) I was thrilled that God had opened a door for me to minister. I was even more encouraged when Pat said on Thursday night that we were chosen to be at this retreat and she challenged us to ask God to use us to minister to someone else. The next morning before sunrise, I went to the beach to spend time with God and to pray for the ladies He had Chosen to hear my message. During that time God showed me a different meaning of the word Restored: To bring back into existence or use; reestablish. I wasn’t quite sure what that meant until later that day. I’m amazed by How God moved and used my message for His Glory but I’m more amazed by how He used the ladies at the breakout session to restore me.  When I thought that my calling was lost He brought it back into existence, He reestablished it.

I’m not sure what’s going to happen next Ministry wise, but for now I know that He is El Roi “The God Who Sees me." Thank you to the ladies that came to my breakout session, thank you for allowing God to use you in my life!

Were you restored during a Beautiful Weekend? Share your comments below!

Vivian Germain has been a Christian for over 20 years and really enjoys the freedom that is in Christ. She brings encouragement to other women by sharing her spiritual walk. Vivian and her husband, Dustin, have three beautiful children; Daniella, Andrew and Matthew. She loves the beach, date nights and to travel almost anywhere. 

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