Seasons of CHANGE

November 12, 2021

Lisa Tobias, GFC South Tampa 

My husband and I were staring at the increasingly lower numbers in our business
bank account. Despite all my efforts to think of creative ways to attract more
business, despite an investment into new marketing ideas, despite sleepless
nights praying and searching for another way, despite it all, my pilates studio was
failing after 20 years in business.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the
heavens: a time to search and a time to give up, ” Ecclesiastes 3:1,6 (NIV)

I was divinely led to this scripture the day after our 2021 Beautiful conference.
I walked into that conference feeling hopeless, defeated, and confused. Just a few
months prior the Holy Spirit prompted me to choose the word “Forward'' as my
word for 2021, but now it seemed like my life was only going backward. My
business has been my pride and joy. It was my baby before I even had babies. It
defined my daily routine. But now I was having to make the difficult decision to
close my pilates studio and face the unknowns that would follow.

When I read that verse in Ecclesiastes it ushered in the presence of God and a
sense of peace that I had been missing. Tears of relief flowed down my face as I
heard God say “It's ok. You ran your race with this.” I sensed God giving me
permission to let go of my business and that He had something new for me.

Thank goodness God's word is still alive and active! Thank goodness we can
experience God's presence! It is the antidote to feelings of anxiety and confusion.
Friends, if you are in the midst of change or transition I encourage you to fill your
time, and your mind, with God's Truth. While most of us love the comfort of
routine and security, change is an inevitable part of life. We can depend on God
for strength, guidance, and constancy during times of transition. These seasons
of change can often be viewed as a gift from God to heighten, deepen, and widen
your personal relationship with him. Even if God allows uncomfortable
circumstances to happen, these situations may be just what was needed to shake
you up enough ...

So that you finally come to the end of yourself.
So that you let go of pride or any other traps you may have fallen into.
So that you finally find complete dependence on Him alone.
THEN he can move you FORWARD into His perfect will for your life.

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