Slowing Down to Listen

July 18, 2014

By Kristin Bonham

Have you ever thought about what you love most about God?  I have to admit that my answer probably changes depending on my circumstances.  I think about God’s character and what I know about Him but not really what my favorite thing about Him is.

I love to worship.  I connect best with God when I’m in worship and have come to crave it.  It could be in a church service, on a walk or in a quiet empty sanctuary.  I hear God most when I take a moment to listen during worship.  He has encouraged me, challenged me, strengthened me and reminded me of the Truth.

if-god-is-for-us-who-can-be-against-us-romans-8_31During a worship service in April, Trevor asked us to take a few minutes and tell God what our favorite thing about Him is.  Instead of rehearsing my list of what I know about God, I prayed, “God, what is my favorite thing about you?”  The answer took my breath away.  “You love that I’m your biggest fan.”

I almost fell over or laughed out loud.  I would have never thought that on my own.  But you know what, He knows me better than I know myself and it’s true!  He is my biggest fan and in that moment when He spoke that into me, I knew it!  It’s kind of funny to me… It doesn’t really sound like it’s about God, it sounds like it’s about me.

Think about when you have been someone’s biggest fan or when people have been behind you cheering you on and keeping you focused.  It’s hard to imagine that God is a fan of ours without making it about us.  It’s not really about us at all though.  It’s about His character and knowing that His love doesn’t depend on us.  We don’t deserve it, we mess up, break promises, repeat sin, etc and He is still our fan.  He loves us unconditionally.  That’s challenging for me to wrap my head around.

When God spoke that into my heart “You love that I’m your biggest fan”, I knew that at some point, I had made a major shift in everything I believed.  I believe in His love for me.  I am at peace when things are good and when I’m struggling.


What shall we say about such wonderful things as these?
If God is for us, who can ever be against us?
Romans 8:31


What do you love most about God?


Kristin Bonham


Kristin Bonham is a pastor’s wife and the Women’s Ministry Director at Grace Family Church. She and Chris have been married for 25 years and have three children; Taylor, Abby and Casey.  She loves the beach, New York City and traveling with Chris. She collects books and reads some of them. Her favorite part of the week is Sunday lunch with her family and friends around the table.  




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