Spreading Joy

December 20, 2013

On Wednesday, some of the Beautiful Ministry staff went to Brighton Gardens to sing Christmas Carols! We had many takeaways as a team, and the joy that these men and women shared with us is irreplaceable! To let you in on our outreach experience, here are a few takeaways that we all shared as a team!

“…the joy of their faces as we sang...the smiles when we individually greeted them and gave them Christmas presents…doing something as a group to minister to those who are lonely and possibly forgotten. We had so much fun as a team!" Marilyn Hinders

“The love we were able to give them through our time and presence. The chance to relive happy memories they may have had with their families in the past years and the opportunity to make them feel important and cared for!” Maria Castillo (Uprising Intern)

“The Christmas Spirit is about much more than giving and receiving gifts. What is most precious is the gift of our time, caring for and listening to others. One of our most precious tools as believers is the ability to spread the love of Christ through our smiles and the joy of the Holy Spirit within us! Also, we should be grateful this holiday season for basic things: health, strength, and the ability to sing (even off key!)” Sharon Tubbs

“...on the car ride to Brighton Gardens, I was anxious about the Christmas to-do list I had to accomplish. But as we walked into Brighton Gardens, and men and women greeted us with warm smiles, my to-do list became nonexistent. This experience brought me joy, and it was a gift to be able to spread the love of Christ! The joy that they had on their faces is something I will never forget. As a team, we were able to share the joy together! We were able to worship the ultimate gift we have been given with men and women who just wanted a simple smile and hug! They were so great and even enjoyed us singing off key!” Dani Catherine

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

What brings you joy this Christmas Season? Share below! 

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