Sticks and Stones

October 31, 2014

By Lisa Crumbley and Madelyn Littles


Sticks and Stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

We’ve all heard the nursery rhyme, but how many of us know that it’s actually not true?  Words do hurt, and often they hurt more than any pain sticks or stones could inflict on us.  Words have power.  This is true in a negative sense, but praise God it’s also true in a positive sense!  The words you speak can bring life and sharing your story could help another person know that they are not alone in their struggle.

We all have a story.  Each one of us as Christians knows the power of God and can attest to the things he’s done in our lives.  That’s your story.  Or maybe you call it your testimony.   Whatever vocabulary word you use, it’s something that when shared can bring hope and healing to someone else.

So how do you recognize your story?  There are many different ways and here are just a few.  It might be a whisper from the Holy Spirit, something that you intuit, or was put in your heart.  Maybe it’s through reflections in a prayer journal and seeing how God has answered your prayers.  You may even feel it’s a coincidence when really, it was God all along.

Once you’ve recognized your story, it’s time to share it.  God directs us to tell about what He has done.  When He moves in our lives, whether it’s an answered prayer in a big way or He shows up in the small things, He wants us to share with others what it is that He has done for us so we can glorify Him and share His good news with others.


“Come and listen, all you who have respect for God; let me tell you what he has done for me.”  Psalm 66:16 NIRV


Here are some things to remember:

  • Know your words have power.

  • Don’t let fear limit you.

Fear is natural when we open up and share with others.  We might fear how we are perceived, if people will look as us differently once they know about our story.  Sometimes when we feel the greatest fear about opening up or sharing, that’s when we have the greatest reward in our own lives from doing so.

  • Be relatable.

You want to meet people where they are and speak a language that they understand.  If you’re talking to someone who is a new Christian or is not yet a believer, you don’t want to use “churchy words” that they may not understand.  A few examples are “praise & worship”, “testimony” or “covered in the blood”.

So this brings us to the ultimate question… Why?  Why should I share my story?  Because you have the potential to impact a life with your story.   Take some time to write what God has done for you so that you are ready when the opportunity comes!


Lisa and Madelyn


Lisa Crumbley and Madelyn Littles are writing a book about God stories – stories that seem like coincidences to those who don’t know Christ, but as believers we know it’s the hand of God, present and active in ever day of our lives.  If you’re interested in learning more about their project, you can visit their website, connect with them, read their blog and submit your story for possible publication.


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