Sweep Me Away

March 18, 2014

by Debbie Altman 

"Oh, that I had the wings of a dove!  I would fly away and be at rest--I would flee far away and stay in the desert, I would hurry to my place of shelter, far from the tempest and storm."  Psalm 55:6-8

Can you believe this verse is in the Bible?  It's one of my favorite verses because I've felt that way before...well, quite often actually!  I want to fly away, or run away, and I can't believe someone in the Bible talks about it!  How about you?  Don’t you just want to run away sometimes from screaming children, screaming bosses and screaming culture?  From the pressures of relationships and responsibilities?

"From the ends of the earth I will cry out to you...when my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."   Psalm 61:2

"Your love, O Lord reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies, your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the great deep...How priceless is your unfailing love!  Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings."  Psalm 36: 5-7

Usually, we can't actually run away, but I want to encourage you to run away to the Lord as your refuge from the storms, as your hiding place.  Run to the shadow of His wings.  It is such a comforting place, and He longs for us to do it!  

Besides the time I may have with God reading His Words to me from the Bible, or praying, I have made it a habit as often as I can, for around fifteen minutes in the late afternoon; of going to my room, closing the door, closing my eyes, putting my feet up, and just resting in God.  I release all of the cares of that day…so far!  I let God hold me, encourage me, speak to me, and tell me He loves me.  I feel the strength of His arms..I get a hug from God!  He can’t do these things if I never sit down long enough! It nourishes my body, soul and spirit, and recharges me for the rest of the day! 

So, whenever you just feel like “running away”... do it!  Take a few minutes away from all the noise in your life and run to God.  You may have to run into the bathroom, or walk outside, or even go to your car!  Susannah Wesley lived in the 17th century and was the  mother of John and Charles Wesley, the founders of the Methodist Church.  She home-schooled her 10 children, much of the time in the absence of her husband.  (And let us not forget there were no electric stoves, refrigerators, or washers; nor any frozen chicken nuggets to pop in the microwave!)  When Susannah needed to run to God, she is known to have sat on the stool in the corner of her kitchen with her apron flung over her head!  Her children knew to not bother mama during this time.  I love it!  Whatever it takes. 

So…run away girls!  But run TO the One who has the most to offer us. 

debbieDebbie is the wife of Pastor Craig Altman, and together, they founded Grace Family Church 18 years ago.  She is a former RN and mother of a 27 year old married daughter and 26 year old son.  She is also known as “Nona” to her precious granddaughter. Debbie enjoys family, reading, the beach, and is inappropriately competitive at board games. 

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