Thankful for Seasons!

November 14, 2014

by Dani Catherine

It's finally "Fall" in Florida, and I couldn't be more excited to wear boots and a cute scarf...but I know that the season will change again, just like life. Life is full of seasons. Some seasons may seem dry and dreary while other seasons are sunny and joyful. Spring becomes Summer. Summer becomes Fall. Fall becomes Winter. Either way, I have learned that no matter what season I am in, coming out of, or going into, there is always something to learn and to grow from.

Ec3I am actually heading into a new season. It's all scary and exciting at the same time. I am scared of failing, but excited for change. I am scared that it's going to be a long road, but excited for the journey ahead. But truly, I am thankful for the season I was just in.

For the past year-ish I have been able to work alongside women who have sharpened me and pushed me to be the woman God wants me to be. Kristin, Marilyn and Sharon were all there for me when I was going through one of the hardest times in my life and they were there when I got out of it. Their faithfulness to God encouraged me everyday to trust God despite the circumstances I was facing.

I learned that God really does use all things for our good.  We may not see it at that time, but in the end, Gods plan and His reason for the season is far greater than anything we could whip up! And guess what? We don't have to worry because God is in control and unchangeable. Although I am going into a new season, I can't help but be so thankful and humbled by the season I was just in with those women for the past year.

Whatever season you are in, let it stretch you, sharpen you and change you. If you are going into a new season, be excited! God has got this and He surely has plans for you.



Dani Catherine does the Communications for Beautiful. Dani loves to do makeup, scream her head off at hockey games, drink tea, paint, snap photos and spend time with her dog Jeter!


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