The Best Year of Your Life

December 31, 2015

By Nathalie Corniel


2016 Will be the Best year of your life If it is the Best Year of your life Spiritually.

Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.      Philippians 3:13-14


A new year is a natural time to make resolutions and goals.  Whether you make resolutions or not,  make a decision for 2016, to grow spiritually.  Commit to put Gfireworks_tampaod first in everything you do.  When you put God first, you are declaring your dependence on him!

What distractions keep you from seeking God daily?  The enemy likes to keep us distracted even with good stuff.  Is there one thing that if changed would make the biggest difference in you life?  Before you send that e-mail, get on Facebook, go to work, start texting, get busy with your day;  make a decision to prioritize your time with Christ and let God be the first thing you seek before anything else in the day.

You can put him first by just thanking him for allowing you to see the sun rise!  Another way to grow spiritually is by prayer and fasting. It might be deciding to fast a meal, media or anything that distracts you from getting closer to God.  Prayer increases your faith and helps you grow spiritually.  Fasting disconnects us from the world and allows us to give our attention to God.  When you decide to fast and pray it helps you refocus on the spiritual, and invites God in your life.  You find yourself believing God for greater things and waiting on him for answers to specific prayers.

You can also allow him to talk to you by reading his Word.  If we don’t spend time with God, how can we get to know Him better and call Him friend?  One way is to use the Bible Reading Plan distributed this past weekend at church.  If you didn't get one, the church’s website also has it under “NEW HERE”.  You can also find fantastic Bible reading plans on the YouVersion Bible APP.

A new series call [RE]SET starts January 9th and 10th at GFC.  Pastor Craig will walk us through how we could all use an opportunity to reset and make the spiritual, physical, financial and emotional changes we’ve always wanted to make.  [RE]SET will help us begin 2016 with new passion and hope in what God can do in our lives.

2016 Will be the Best year of your life If it is the Best Year of your life Spiritually.

God bless and Happy New Year!


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