The Prayer Wall

July 3, 2015

By Becca Christensen


When you’re a guest in my home you will notice early on that I have a collection of brightly colored post-it notes on the side of fridge. My prayer wall. Not being a ‘crafter’, my prayer wall is as simple as they come. I put colorful post-it notes with the person for whom I’m praying’s name and what I’m praying for them as well as the date I begin submitting that request to the Lord. I determined early on that when the Lord answered my prayers I would take the note down, date it with the answered date and send it to the respective person with a note.


I am a firm believer in the power of prayer. Even so, sometimes I found that I would say ‘I’ll pray for you’ but my follow through was weak. My prayer wall keeps those prayers before me every morning as I brew my coffee. The kitchen tends to be a hub at my house due to my love of entertaining but also it’s where I really begin every morning. As I made my prayer wall I wanted it to be in a place where people who come into my home, no matter what they believe, would see that I am praying big, bold prayers for others and myself.


The choice to put my prayer wall in plain sight was well intentioned. I could prayer wallnot, however, have come close to imagining how the Lord would use it. A few months after I put that prayer wall up, I had two friends visit from out of town. They weren’t churchgoers but I wish each of you could have seen their faces as they noticed their names on my fridge with my prayers for them. I knew that they felt honored but months later when the Lord answered those prayers I was the first person in their phone to get a text message. The first one read, ‘Becca – just wanted you to know that the Lord answered your prayers for me! Can’t thank you enough for praying’. I took that post-it down and mailed it to him and the day he received it I got a picture of him with it and a big grin on his face. He was the first of many believers and unbelievers alike who would be excited to get those post-its back with an answered date.


Often times if we are not intentional we don’t take the time to recognize the Lord’s answers to our prayers. This is my tangible, practical way of celebrating the Lord’s answers to my prayers and sharing or showing the power of prayer to others. I shared the idea with my small group and several decided they needed a prayer wall too. Thankfully, they let me submit the first post-it and I’ve gotten one back with an answered date myself! Next, I shared it in my Freedom group and a few days later I got pictures of prayer walls in my leaders homes.


I didn’t invent the prayer wall anymore than I invented prayer but I’ve made it my own and I love to see the idea catch on. If you need a way to remember to pray daily or of the Lord’s faithfulness to His people in answering prayers this may work for you. Regardless of what you do to keep your prayer life strong – be encouraged by this, ‘ Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours’ – Mark 11:24


Becca Christensen_croppedBecca Christensen works at Grace Family Church. She loves to  travel, entertain, read, spend time with family, and root on the Indianapolis Colts.  You can read more about Becca on her blog,

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