The Spirit Comes to Life

May 31, 2018

By Dawn Santos


I recently completed the Freedom study for the first time. I went into the study very open-minded though I knew exactly why I was drawn to join this small group. I wanted to hear God’s voice and I was seeking the peace of Christ.


I was hopeful that I would complete the journey and find the freedom that comes when you surrender to God’s will. Upon completion, I understood that what we had done together as a small group of women was just the beginning of a pursuit for true freedom. It was a much needed jumpstart in embracing a new way of life and in gaining a Biblical perspective of who God is.


Even though I left this much-needed fellowship with a lighter burden, the more powerful testimony I have to share is that the Freedom experience brought the Holy Spirit to life in a tangible way. I’ve always had difficulties wrapping my human mind around the Spirit of God but when the Word of God is used to explain Him, the once-perceived mysteries are unveiled quite perfectly.



2 Corinthians 3:17 says, "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."


If I had read this verse before going through Freedom, I probably would have gone on a spiritual mission searching for the Spirit of the Lord. Will I find it in this 7-day devotional? Can a song on the JoyFM point me in the right direction? Will this sermon guide me toward Him? It does say that freedom is where the Spirit of the Lord is. It seemed as if my answers were always outside, hidden inside some puzzle I needed to solve with logic and academic study. 


I'm so thankful to God that I read it after going through Freedom because now I see that the Spirit is within me, alive, and transforming me as I surrender to Him daily. For as long as I have acknowledged the Spirit of God that dwells within me, I have had Freedom. I just wasn’t fully acknowledging the power of the Spirit. When I heard Kristin Bonham explain the Spirit, I realized that everything I was searching for was already available to me. God helped me look within, to pray, to confess, to empty myself of myself, and stop resisting His power and peace. I am grateful for the many revelations that were brought to life for me during this short time!


The Freedom Group may be perceived as something for those who are going through very difficult strongholds, but it would benefit ANYONE who is seeking God, His Spirit, His love, and His peace. Keep this scripture in mind: “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” James 5:16 NLT

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