Thieves of Peace

November 6, 2020

By Jennifer Clements, GFC Land O' Lakes

How do you feel about porch pirates? We've all seen videos of people stealing long-awaited packages of Christmas presents and unknown treasure. To protect myself from these thieves, I subscribed to USPS Informed Delivery. I love this service; it tells me exactly what's coming in the mail before it gets there.  I get to decide if I want to be home when the mail arrives, if the package that I've ordered (undoubtedly from Amazon) will be delivered that day or if I wish to spare my husband the heart attack of seeing the utility bills first. I like being prepared for what's to come.

Don't we all wish life was that way?  What if God sent you an email in the morning and said, coffee spill at 8:05am or fender bender at 5pm? Would we consume ourselves with trying to avoid the inevitable? After all, we like to have control, don't we? God goes to elaborate lengths to tell us, "He's got this!" No matter how good we think we are at managing chaos, we can't cover it all.

God gives us simple and powerful instructions in Philippians 4:6-7, "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything." Dr. Tony Evans says, "Prayer gives heaven permission to intervene in earthly matters." I don't know about you, but I need divine intervention for the seen and unseen things of this life. I am incredibly aware of my own limitations but have confident faith in our God who sees everything.

Let’s choose today to trust Him because trusting God is the best security from peace pirates, and he already gave you a personal Informed Delivery, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33

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