Ugly Cry

September 3, 2021

Lauren Delgado, GFC Temple Terrace

Have you ever just needed a good cry? I mean a sloppy, messy, noisy cry. As a mom who breastfed both of my littles I had some moments when I cried over spilled milk. I can remember once walking into the kitchen as my husband was frantically cleaning up a bottle of milk that had spilled on the floor. He looked up at me with that sweet apologetic face, knowing that this hurt deep. What’s interesting is I could probably count on one hand the amount of times I’ve cried over my milk being spilled. But, I definitely could not count how many times I’ve cried over the happenings in life that have brought me down. From parenting, to arguments with my husband, to drama at work, or even just traffic… I’ve cried. 

      What you may not know about me is that I am not a crier. I didn’t cry when we got engaged or even when we got married. But, I can remember right before I found out that I was pregnant with my daughter, I was sitting in the car listening to the radio and all of a sudden I began to sob. I should have known then, but tears just poured down, for what seemed to me, no valid reason. This was an insignificant crying moment, but there have been many times that I should have cried and instead chose to keep my cool, remain calm, and put on a face to prove that I’ve got it all together. However, where does that always land me? At some point I end up in a sloppy, messy, noisy crying fit. Whenever I choose to suppress emotions and feelings, a few hours or days later, I find myself crying over something insignificant.

     In Psalms it talks about how even though we may have cried our tears, we still need to cry out to God. “In my trouble I called to the Lord. Yes, I cried out to my God for help. There in His temple He heard my voice. He heard my cry for help.” Psalm 18:6

As a woman I struggle to ask for help because I can usually handle it all on my own. I can carry a  purse, diaper bag, two water bottles, a stuffed animal or toy, a handful of dirty tissues, and push the stroller. So why would I need help? Past this strong exterior I know that I have a need for a God that can hold me when my tears are falling. Psalm 46:1 says, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” And let’s be honest ladies, sometimes we need to cry it all out so HE can fill us back up. Let’s take some time today to do a little self help, and maybe cry out to God and ask for Him to intervene? We all might be carrying or holding onto something that we need to let go. Let’s not be afraid to cry over the “spilled milk” in our lives.

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