Under Construction

February 19, 2016

By Trudy Loots


If you have ever driven in a car, this message is for you...So that's literally EVERYONE!

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I was recently on my way home after an amazing night of serving at church. Upon taking my exit, already envisioning my bed and the comfort it would bring me, I came upon a giant sign flashing "Follow Detour." How dare the city intrude on my perfectly planned ride home?!?

I often think that these 'Detours' can describe our walk with God! In our minds, we know the way and we're even one step ahead of ourselves; living in the future. Then life happens. Maybe a loved one gets sick or even passes away, or you don't get offered the job, or your close friend betrays you or that tax return you were planning your vacation on turns out to be a payment due instead. It's in those moments where we begin to doubt why God would put us on that path. Can anyone relate?

As I sat in the long line of Trudy 2non-moving cars at my detour, I felt a sense of panic. Suddenly, my sense of control was shattered. I felt the urge to outsmart the detour and find an even quicker route home. That got me next to no where....it actually took even more time and caused way more frustration.

God tells us in Matthew 7:13 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road to destruction, and many enter through it...but small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." I believe God uses the detours in life that put us on paths where things are uncomfortable and require obedience and patience to learn to trust in His provisions. Often in these times, the Enemy seems to sneak in to say "move quick, figure this out on your own, make your own decision, you DON'T have time for this". My dear sweet sister, do not listen! Pay no attention to those useless whispers!

Naturally, no one genuinely loves construction zones. They're messy, chaotic and unexpected. But as soon as the construction is done, we love and enjoy the smooth roads and newly planted trees that follow. God has promised us that the construction will one day be complete in Philippians 1:6 "And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ."

Are you in the middle of a construction zone right now in your life? Take time to pray that you might find purpose in the detour. Trust that God's detours are ALWAYS filled with purpose and provision.

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