Unexpected Surprise

August 11, 2023

By: Becki Baxter

Philippians 4:6 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” 

Have you ever prayed that God would surprise you? WELL, let me tell you what happens when you do; it will blow your mind!

Recently, we sold our home and all our belongings and moved our family of six from Canada to the US. As we packed up our things and filled our moving truck, I felt prompted to pray that God would surprise us in the crazy venture we were about to take. 

Starting over in a new country certainly has its challenges (and we faced many along the way), but not least of which was one of my children who was renowned for his meltdowns. In his younger years, it was impossible to take him anywhere for fear of public outbursts without warning. 

Prior to moving to the US, we lived in an old country home surrounded by a retired Christmas tree farm. It was private, quiet, and I never worried about neighbors hearing the temper tantrums that would occur. I could keep this messy part of my life relatively concealed! But now, we are moving to a neighborhood with actual neighbors. This was something that weighed heavily on my mind. What are people going to think?!

Now, as he has grown, the meltdowns are fewer and further between, but every once in a while, we  get a real doozy. And so, shortly after moving into our new home, with neighbors right next door, we experienced one of these magnificent meltdowns. I was sure child services would be called because of the sounds coming from his room. Just as the thought entered my mind, I heard a knock at the door. 

Oh no. This is it! 

Well, wouldn’t you know it was my lovely neighbor who came over for another reason and didn’t even hear the screams (until I opened the door). So, quickly, I stepped outside and closed the door behind me. I told her what was happening and how sorry I was if he was disruptive. She stopped me and said, “Let’s pray over him and your home.”

Right there, she prayed for peace over my son and for our home. When I stepped back inside, the house was quiet. He had fallen asleep. Obviously, I cried and thanked God for this gift. I was so tightly bound by fear, this scenario never even entered my mind as a possibility!

God had completely surprised me.

This story may not seem crazy to you unless you have had a child like this or if you have felt completely out of control in a situation that had you gripped by fear. I had always tried to step out of this messy part of my life to meet people with my best face on. I had never expected someone to step into the mess and meet me there. God knows what we need. He is powerful, and He wants to show His Glory and provision in our lives. I think He really wants to surprise us and all we have to do is ask.

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