We Get MORE!

October 1, 2021

Lisa Santelli, GFC Lutz

 Mark 11:24-25 TPT  "This is the reason I urge you to boldly believe for whatever you ask for in prayer – be convinced that you have received it and it will be yours. And whenever you stand praying, if you find that you carry something in your heart against another person, release him and forgive him so that your Father in heaven will also release you and forgive you of your faults.”

Earlier this year, a friend gave me a sign with the word “prosperity” written on it. She told me that God put it on her heart to make this sign for me, and to get ready for something amazing to happen. When she first told me about this, I wasn’t convinced. For me, the word “prosperity”, really wasn’t in my wheelhouse. I was used to words like, “hustle”, “work hard”, “getting by” and “doing okay”. But prosperity meant “abundance”, “more than” and “fullness”, and I didn’t always feel that.

Even though I was battling this message, I decided the sign needed to be in a prominent space. So, I placed it on a bookcase I walked by several times a day, especially since I’ve been working from home. Day after day, seeing this word, I started to notice a shift. I started to view prosperity differently. I would have conversations with friends who helped me recognize that prosperity is for the taking, but we must first learn to receive it. Do you know what started to happen? I began to believe that God’s blessings are for each of us, including me. It’s not wrapped in how hard I work or struggle, but it’s in God’s faithfulness to me. I stopped limiting my perspective on God, thinking He only had so many resources to hand out. Instead, I realized there is no way we can ever imagine the limitless treasures He has to pour out.  With that, doors started opening. Doors that had been shut were now wide open. But, even with open doors, I had to be willing to take a big leap of faith and move out of my comfort zone.

In June, my husband and I decided to put our house on the market. It was our first home that we had been in for 17 years. We had made the place our own, were comfortable in it, yet started to feel it was time to sell. But, neither of us wanted to buy right away again. We preferred to wait, take our time, and see where the Lord leads us. If you know me, I’m not a risk taker, and this felt like a giant one. If I’m honest, it still feels risky, yet, I’ve had an overwhelming peace, and I know God is leading the way.

Over the last few months, God has showcased His goodness in the process of selling our home by providing a great realtor, lining us up with the perfect temporary pad, blessing us with bonus items and continually making a way with connections in this adventure. Looking back, I've realized that I first had to be convinced, as the Passion translation states in Mark 11:24, that I would receive the blessings in this journey. I had to believe that I was worthy of God’s goodness, so that He would begin to pour out His abundance in our lives.

Second, in reference to verse 25 above, God had already started working on my heart to forgive a few people that I was harboring some anger and hurt against. I didn’t realize it at the time but God was setting me up so I could release unforgiveness and make way for His blessings. If we are holding on to hurt, anger, unforgiveness or pride, it leaves less room for what God wants to pour into our lives.

So many times I believe we let doubt, lies, and unforgiveness keep us from the outpouring of God. We believe His blessings fit everyone else, but that He ran out of them for us. That's farthest from the truth. God is not on a budget. His bank account is not regulated and there are no restrictions on the number of withdrawals He can do in a day. He is limitless and He is just waiting for us to come with outstretched hands in pure heart, ready to receive all that He has for us.

My prayer for you is that if there is anything you are lacking, any unforgiveness you are harboring,  release it to God and come boldly to His throne of grace. Open your heart to listen to what God has to say to you. Be obedient in what He may be asking you to do. Then, ask confidently, sit back and watch in amazement at all He will do!

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